


1 year, 6 months ago


General / Backstory 

Hongxia is a monkey born in a similar way to Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque, from a stone with the essence of Heaven and Earth. However, instead of stealing immortality like Sun Wukong, Hongxia found immortality in their own way, through deep meditation and the honing of conduct. They live atop the Mountain of Wandering Mist, a mysterious mountain that disappears and reappears in a cloud of fog and travels each time it does. Hongxia is less impulsive than the Monkey king, but loves to show of their power when the situation seems fit. They are flamboyant and pride themselves on being step ahead, but far from being egotistical, in fact they are pretty reserved. However, this doesn’t stop them from having a good time or being mischievous. Hongxia enters the fray when their mountain appears near the city that MK and his team lives in. Their essence is bound to the whims of the mountain and can’t leave it for extended periods of time without falling deathly ill, whenever the mountain moves they do too.

Hongxia is made of the characters 宏 meaning "wide, spacious, great, vast" combined with 霞 meaning "rosy clouds, mist"


Hongxia possesses impressive martial arts abilities that they have acquired through meeting many people in the locations their mountain has wandered to. They use Shuang Gou in battle, but when bad comes to worse they will usually favor their fists. They also use a censer, which can obscure the battlefield and inflict all manner of conditions onto opponents. When things get serious, Hongxia connects to the greater divinity they found by themselves and can activate a six armed form. In this form they can’t feel any kind of pain, which can be dangerous when the form wears off.