


1 year, 9 months ago



Pronouns: She/They/Void

Species: Deity

Occupation: God of Magnetism, Gravity, and Density

Overall age - ∞
Current form's age - Around 4 billion years old

Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual

Personality/Weaknesses/Strengths: Ferro is a very stubborn and grounded individual and can come off as cynical at times. During her early rebirth, she was much more outgoing and curious about the universe, but after a run-in with a space-conqueror type species who took advantage of her abilities Ferro has withdrawn into herself and mostly isolated herself from all other creatures. She has also come to resent her more destructive powers, deeming them too dangerous to use. She refuses to see the benefits in using them. 

Deep within she is very caring and protective, especially of Mr. Pebbles. The two have a close bond even if she finds his optimism to be overbearing and annoying at times. Still, despite the hardships she faced early in her life, she is still willing to believe and remain hopeful that things will eventually get better, although she doesn't show it outwardly.  

- Cannot fly by herself, but her form of travel makes up for it; she is capable of sling-shotting herself off of planets and other celestial bodies using their gravitational pull, propelling herself using magnetic fields similar to using invisible grappling hooks.
- Is capable of destroying planets and creating them by using gravity to collide gases and particles together to create, and crushing them through pure force of will to destroy them.
- Is able to create black holes from anything, although it takes a great effort. This is her greatest ability.
- The only type of stars she can create are quasars and blazars, and even then they require Mr. Pebbles' help to make them.
- Using her capabilities with magnetism, she is able to use telepathy to move things around. She also uses telepathy to speak. 
- She is able to rip wormholes into reality, however it takes a great deal of strength and is too risky for her to do. If she is in a dire situation however, she will make one to escape and teleport to a safer location.    

Story: WIP