Test for code



1 year, 6 months ago


Name Clementine

Nickname Clem

Age Unknown (est. in the billions)

Birthday Unknown

Gender Genderless

Pronouns Any

Species Tear Dox

Height Feral-228cm Anthro-365cm

Weight 2300kg

Orientation Aromantic, Asexual

Occupation Protector of the Arche


For the entire backstory of Clementine and the Tear Doxes, read here:

Clementine came into existence from a very peculiar white dwarf star eons ago. A star called SDSS J1240+6710, nicknamed Dox, contains an unusual atmosphere. Dox takes home in the constellation of Draco, and from the energy of its core, a star titan was born, and Clementine was the first ever Tear Dox.

Clem was formed with tear-like markings under their eyes and was a giant, transparent celestial being more extensive than the stars. A canid and mammal-like dragon with a mostly fur coat, their stellar form does not contain any colors besides black, white, and gray. Clem survives off the energy released from stars and their explosions and gives back energy into space for stars to continue forming.

During this stage of its life, Clementine wandered like a ghost throughout space for even more eons to come. They gained significant intelligence and knowledge, discovering many new galaxies and planets sustaining their own life, though unable to visit without a physical form.

Due to Clementine's released energy back into space, Tear Doxes began forming from their stars. But as the population grew, the energy needed to sustain these titans began declining, followed by their lifespan. Without the power to keep them alive, Tear Doxes slowly became corrupt and started fading out of existence. The only way to extend their life was to eat stars and other Tear Doxes. Corrupt TDoxes threw off the balance of stars, and with the combination of fighting and Tear Doxes becoming corrupt, the population dwindled.

As the war broke out within the Tear Doxes, Clementine was distraught and hated killing her kind. They had also begun to corrupt and scrambled to find a solution before it was too late. Without hesitation, Clementine used all their energy and formed the homeland of the Tear Doxes, named the Arche. This formation almost killed Clementine and created a large realm of lands where they could become physical beings.

As Clem touched the Arche, it became a physical creature, and vibrant colors bloomed throughout its body. Due to corruption, black and white fur remained, and Clementine's back right leg was the most affected, being the last part to touch the Arche. A once mighty deity of space, now less potent than their subjects, with only the knowledge to spare.

More Tear Doxes began to touch the Arche and become mortal, thriving from the constant energy within the Arche gifted by Clementine. They finally had a beacon, and the species could thrive upon this land. Clem's sacrifice for family and home brought them peace, and they became the ruler and protector of the Arche.

Using their large wings to glide through space and realms, Clementine visits other planets, such as Earth, from time to time and continues their observations and interactions with curious, entertaining creatures. When not traveling, Clem spends time living in the Arche, interacting and sharing knowledge with her kind and warding off corrupt Tear Doxes.

With the formation of the Arche, Tear Doxes restored the balance and helped continue with the forging of the stars.

"Write a quote here"


  • Oranges
  • Collecting trinkets and treasures
  • Dreaming
  • Observing and discovering new things
  • Music and repetetive sounds

  • Claustrophobia. Being in closed spaces unable to see the sky, compressed crowds, small/windowless rooms.
  • Abandonment
  • Others touching her collection
  • Space junk
  • Seeing those they care about get hurt

Clementine is a selfless and compassionate leader who is curious and clever, often described by other TDoxes as the wisest. Their mind is calm and peaceful as this TDox loves to dream and visualize pictures and colors in their head. Clem is friendly, adaptive, and observant, though a bit strange, especially with their communication. Though they prefer peace and pacifism, Clem is not afraid to fight when needed, though they always try to think of the best solution. Though more on the quiet side, Clem loves to be playful and stir up reactions from others. The orange TDox finds reactions amusing and silly, especially from humans. They love reading what others are thinking and meeting new people and creatures. Most of all, solitary is preferred and is where most of their time is spent, but they will still comfort and spend time with anything that wants it, even cuddling younger TDoxes in her tail to sleep. Clem loves to collect trinkets, skulls, and materials they find interesting. Oranges are Clem's favorite food and object to collect, even planting them around their den or wearing them as accessories. From being mostly reserved, Clem is not always honest and open with their thoughts and feelings and may come off as emotionless sometimes. They can be overprotective, especially when it comes to their hoard. With cleverness comes trickiness with their words which causes many to blindly trust what Clem says. Though willing to fight, Clem isn't physically as strong due to their energy being put into the Arche. This also leads to sometimes being lazy, sleepy, and overly paranoid. Despite being a calm soul adorning a friendly exterior, Clem is deeply affected by the near-death experience and the war with corrupt TDoxes. Having been influenced by becoming corrupt, Clem sometimes feels insecure with their fur's lack of color. From the fighting and wandering alone, Clem fears hurting those they care about, abandonment, and failure. Painful memories can be brought back occasionally and affect Clem's mental state. Usually, positive outlets can help when these memories come and will recede back into their quiet mind.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Vivamus vehicula ipsum et tellus malesuada sagittis.
  • Quisque non ligula quis mi auctor maximus non et velit.
  • Integer pellentesque diam vitae metus scelerisque, in placerat nunc ultricies.
  • Nullam scelerisque velit scelerisque neque sodales, quis porttitor dolor interdum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada. Magna sit amet purus gravida quis.