WTA/FCFS's Comments

I can offer one of these darlings for them :3c https://toyhou.se/Komorebiko/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:OPEN

The design and color palette SCREAMS dignified but mysterious! I would love to use her as a deuteragonist as well as an overarching villain for this cult story I got planned in a back burner! I don't know what I'd name her yet but I'd refer to her as the Mystress (get is cuz mystery and Mistress ill go sit in a corner now). She'd be gentle and patient, but definitely has something off about her that many struggle to figure out, but her good deeds outweigh the strangeness so people often feel like their better judgement is in question all the time.

The cult focuses heavily on death, mostly about how its inevitable and how mortals are blessed to be able to experience two states of being (alive and dead,  life and afterlife kind of thing) and I'm thinking this lady would be the head of this cult but no one knows that's her position, she'd have a finicky daughter whos as dedicated as the cult as she is, and would be taking up the mantle of responsibility when the Mystress eventually passes. 

I can also offer a doodly/sketchy color page of a character of your choosing! It'd be one full bod, 2 head shots :>  Reference

I would love to use this lovely character as a main oc of mine, she has such a lovely color palette and design to her and I will most definitely love drawing her.  

She will probably have a mysterious-esk story and plotline for her personality and character, as she is relatively quiet, but one of the most understanding people you would ever come across.

I can offer a traditional headshot :)

Her name would probably be cotton heart <3