


1 year, 6 months ago


Rogelio is the outcome of a failed brain scan experiment. His memories and thought patterns are fragmented, though this doesn't seem to hinder his ability to function. Instead, he's begun to adapt and develop new brain patterns to fill in the empty gap. This has made his development unpredictable. Calls were made to terminate the experiment and reformat his mechanical brain, but he managed to escape before anyone was able to actually start that process.

Rogelio now roams the streets completely unchecked, exploring his newfound freedom while evading attempts to recapture him. He's completely fascinated with organic life, and longs to learn what it means to be truly alive. He's constantly haunted by a single question: Does a robot have a soul?

Despite his respect for organics life, he'll fight to defend his own life should the need arise. He was build to be a military unit and possesses the combat prowess to prove it. On top of that, he was equipped with a weapon system that includes high powered lasers, a state of the art targeting system, and thrusters that gave him unnatural speed and agility.