

6 years, 3 months ago



| name | priscilla
| aliases | prissy-puss, the bitchy bartender
| gender | demigirl
| occupation | bartender by night, rich bitch by day
| orientation | pansexual
| relationship status | taken by daiquiri
| age | 27
| height | 5 foot 7
| weight | unknown
| edits |
            rare unihorn
            very rare hair/tail

priscilla is a high end bartender at night and a general sourpuss to be around if you're not on her good side or know her very well. she lives in an expensive neighborhood far away from her family in an attempt to get away from them. there's nothing wrong with her family of course, she just wanted to fly the coop first chance she got. she always hated the small town life and wanted the glitz and glamour that a large city with many opportunities at her disposal could give her. priscilla met a rather rich fellow and the two of them fell into a relationship, but the love didn't last. her partner died in a tragic accident, and since she was the closest thing to next of kin, she inherited all of their belongings. it wasn't long after that accident that she soured to everyone as a defense mechanism to keep people from getting too close again. she didn't want to get close to anyone ever again. not as close as she had been to her old love.

she works side by side with daiquiri at the local bar and the two have a very complicated relationship; she's falling in love with him and she knows it, but won't let herself get close to him. the two share many a night in daiquiri's upscale home and seldom at hers, but she's always gone before the sun rises. this is much to daiquiri's chagrin, who wishes the two could be together. she's learning to open up to him but it's taking time.