The Keyanist



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Mark Chaves

Alias: The Keyanist 

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Occupation: Villain and Petty Crook (part-time)/ Music Store Shopkeeper (full-time)

Organization: Brass-a-frass Music Jazz

Powers: Sound manipulation. 

Personality: Showy, narcissistic, and mischievous in costume. In regular interactions, however, he's very nervous, nonconfrontational, courteous, and gentle. Occasionally, these traits will spill into the opposing parts of his life, but he tends to keep them separate. 

Background: The Keyanist is a super villain with the ability to control sound vibrations. It's more so directing than controlling, however. He commits small-scale crimes like thievery. In fact, he's really only in it for the money. Andrew actually knows the real Keyanist as Mark Chaves from the local music store. Andrew doesn't know he's the Keyanist, but at the same time he has a sneaking suspicion. Mark's interactions with Andrew are brief anyhow, as he'll visit the music shop to buy replacement reeds for his clarinet. Mark cares for his sick mother as much as he can, but her medical expenses make him somewhat desperate. Otherwise, the heroes actually enjoy engaging with him, as he avoids causing too much trouble. His loud volume is about as damaging as he gets, which is a bit of a headache for Bunii at times.

Likes: Coming up with new songs to play for robberies, his Keytar (Lemmy), visiting his mother, and that weird clarinetist from the highschool. 

Dislikes: Seeing people scared, playing the wrong chord, and visiting his mother.