Dante Cathal's Comments

Heya! I'd love to WTA for this little trouble making demon child!

Dante CathalĀ 


He is a troublemaker at heart. Despite his love of black, the young spy always seems to dye the tips of his hair a dark purple-pink. Loyal and smart almost to a fault, he is truthful and does not hesitate to speak his opinion. Very opinionated and strong, Dante doesn't usually care about how others feel when it comes to his opinion and thoughts.

He gets along quite well with his Commander - Rukiel 'Ruka' Munz - and he can often be found with him in the shooting range, trying to better his aim.

Your WTA is good, but can you favorite someone from here and link back? I'll send you the character once you do that.

Heyy, sorry, but I forgot about that part. I faved Xexina.

I'll send Dante over now.