Anthro Donkey -'s Comments

Would $7 usd (~£5.48 gbp?) and 209 points be Enough for the nsfw ref? :0c
(209 because that’s my remaining points, to explain the weird number xD)

That would be enough for the pp for them 👀 I don't have access to my laptop til after the new year though, is that alright?

Do you still have my paypal? C: and if you can send the points to alises-adopts or LastbutnotAlise pls, either one is fine!

OMG sorry I’ve been so busy with the InkDweller SS I completely forgot I interacted on TH!!
I don’t mind waiting until after new years! I’ll peek at my PayPal history & send the mons ASAP
(Thank you so much!!)

EDIT: sent!!

All good! Is animal genetilia okay or would you prefer human? C: 

Animal is okay ^u^ I also don’t mind fictional/made up, I’m gonna make him a post-op trans man! 

pp has been added, and profile sent! <3 if it's not to you liking lmk, I can amend it! ;v;

1 Replies