


6 years, 1 month ago


name; Riah
bday; March 3
age; 15
height; 5'0"

visual notes; 

  • Small chested.
  • Her hair is in twin buns, with the loops coming from underneath the buns. 

official ref;

[click for official ref]


A reserved but cheerful young girl. She's in that awkward stage of life where she's transitioning from a childish girl to a mature young woman. Though she's generally mild mannered and quiet, she can still be a easily excitable. This side of herself is shown only to those she truly trusts and feels comfortable with; namely her siblings. When eyes are on herself, she does away with her childlike traits and acts "like a princess should." When it's just herself and any number of her siblings (Azaiah, Kanon or Ryuu), it's easier for her to let loose and have fun. 

She wants to be taken seriously, and it's easy for those she's just met to do so. But for those that know she's still a little girl on the inside, it's a bit harder. Not that she minds completely, it just means she doesn't feel the need to hide who she really is with them.


The youngest and only princess in the Kingdom of Xilenn. Though Kanon is not related by blood, Riah knows the girl will marry her brother and become a sister regardless, so she's always seen her as that. She has never dreamed of taking the throne as there's two princes ahead of her, and she does not want that responsibility. Instead she opts to help her brothers out, and since they're both very passionate and determined to protect their nation, she's chosen to protect them by learning healing artes. 

She's been seen on the battlefield, healing those that are in need. That's not to say she's a defenseless princess however. Her family comes from a long line of skilled master archers, and that has also been passed down to her. Though not as skilled as her brothers, she's still a force to be reckoned with and doesn't miss her mark often. 

hobbies, noteworthy quirks, insp for poses; 

  • She's incredibly skilled in healing artes, and the only one in her family that can do them. She dedicated many years to learning it, and is rather humble about it. 
  • She's also skilled in archery, and like her elder brothers, uses it in battle. 
  • Still loves cute things, from bunnies to flowers to the color pink, it's something she won't outgrow. It frustrates her deep down, but she can't help but be charmed by the most adorable things! 

notable relationships;