Fil Mubi



6 years, 3 months ago


[Full Profile: ]

▨▨▨▨ Biography 

Name: Mubi, Fil
nickname(s): stalker, creep, monkey, brat-- anything else you want to call her!

Age: 16 (just turned)
birthday: February 16

Gender: Female

Height: 150 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Blood type: O
Nationality: Chinese


+Open minded /+Natural improviser /+Passionate /+Perceptive /+Chipper /
~Daring /
-Aggressive /-Persistent /-Intrusive /-Amoral /-Conceited /

As she appears, Fil is a chipper girl who is usually brimming with energy and excitement. Looking out for her next big scoop, you can often find her everywhere and anywhere- even in the strangest places. An open mind is the first step to success! Fil's fiery passion drives her to do the most daring things, if the situation calls for it- she'll never miss a shutter chance. That's not necessarily good for the person on the other side of the lens though...have an embarrassing scene? You can bet she's got it. Like the paparazzi, Fil is annoyingly persistent and aggressive in her pursuits. She will intrude on even the most private moments, so you better watch out! Her senses are always on high alert and her eyes, always perceptive. This camera girl sees all, understands all and captures all. However! 'All' may not be the truth at times. Yes, a natural improviser, such as herself, is a stirrer of rumours and scandals. Jumping to the worst of conclusions, she wrecks social havoc upon anyone acquainted to her. Although scolded on numerous occasions, it can't be helped that she's amoral in character. 80% of black and white photographs are grey after all.

Lastly, her conceitedness may not be the first thing you notice; but she knows she's cute and won't hesitate to use it as a weapon! Methods of buttering up and sugarcoating words are oh-so-common and puppy eyes with pleading hands are only the cherry on top. Fil prides herself in her work and will always ask for praise, if not compliment herself.

▨▨▨▨ Ability Profile

Hero name: 🔴 REC

Quirk name: Camcorder

Description: Mutation
Fil shares the main qualities of a camcorder: eyes that act as camera lenses to film, while ears can record audio. Her hair is physically made of magnetic tape which can be manipulated to bind, stretch or form shapes. Its magnetism is relatively low but can attract small magnets and the tape grows at a fast and constant rate.

Due to the nature of her quirk, Fil has photographic memory. She has a cinema inside her head. Everything she sees and hears is recorded and can be played back, paused or zoomed in on. She can even add her own filters and decoration if she wishes. But the content cannot change. The only exception to this would be a cognition error. Since footage is based on her sight, hearing, memory, and perception, images can sometimes be distorted. (think about unreliable/differing eye-witness accounts) Therefore, what she records can be potentially biased.

The images in her head can be seen on her film tape hair if she's thinking about it deeply, but usually the pictures are faded due to her being in light most of the time. Footage memory can be exported and projected through the use of gadgets, however it takes time and requires her to be unconscious during processing.

▨▨▨▨ Trivia 

The words "Scoop" and "Shutter Chance"

🎥 Gossiping, juicy information, spreading rumours and naturally, telling stories (content is complete BS)

🎥 Any gelatin, jelly and/or squishy foods (ie. gummies, marshmallows, panna cotta/purin but most of all: annin/almond tofu!!)

🎥 Gadgets and electronics; recording devices especially

🎥 Being spoiled, getting what she wants

Anything anticlimactic, also unfinished stories

🎬 Being interrupted in any way

🎬 Milk and cheese. Unless in cooking or melted!

🎬 Waiting a whole 60 seconds for a webpage to load. or alternatively, the 120 seconds for the microwave to finish. etc.

🎬 Having to cut her hair so often since it grows so fast...

Fun facts:
Mubi is just an Asian way to say 'Movie' and Fil is derived from 'Film'

🎞️ She's Chinese, of course she knows kung fu...//me being stereotypical no but, really, she does!!

🎞️ Probably has the most annoying whiny stereotypical chinese girl voice you get in dramas all the time

🎞️ Her dream is to become a beautiful and tall lady like one of those movie stars

🎞️ Slight fear of older sister who always keeps her in check...

🎞️ She can stare without blinking for a minute and a half!

🎞️ Voice claim:…