


1 year, 5 months ago


Mystapahel, the ancient son of the Mind, cast aside for his crimes and turned his prison into his palace. Sin is not real in Mistfall- but hell is, and he’s made this dark land into one of his own. A result of the unholy union of divine and vampire, Mystaphael feeds on the life to survive on his own- sacrifices shall be made to please his never-ending hunger. A deadly claw rules over the land, taking away all virtue. The sun never rises, the moon never comes, time barely flows and space never ends. Life and Death have no meaning, and souls have been bruised and battered. Mystapahel gets what he wants.

Mystaphael, while cruel, is not apathetic- the opposite. He has been alive so long, he understands emotion and life differently than most. An immortal being has no use for anything that hinders them- physical attachment to any mortal has been long left behind. All mortals are toys to him- simple pleasures, to be used until they break. A genuinely horrifying presence, he will stop at nothing to achieve whatever goal he has, and if there is an obstacle, it’s obliterated in an instant. He has many forms he uses however he pleases- a self-made god is not held back by the physical constraints of a physical body. 

 The king of darkness, the ruler of Mindless, may Mystaphael be one day brought to justice.