Nie Weiqiang



1 year, 4 months ago


(rough notes for my boy just so he's up here)
Started as an NPC for a fic that wasn't supposed to have much detail but here we are
-Name uses the characters 伟强 - I think is right, feel free to correct me about this, sfjksj
-Tall boy, he's around 6' or so. Well-built.
-Second cousin to Nie Huaisang! Thier mothers were cousins, but very close. Weiquiang used to hang around him a lot when they were younger, and Huaiasang wasn't above using Weiqiang as an excuse to avoid doing something he really didn't want to do. ("I'm busy teaching him caligraphy da-ge!")
-This lasted until Weiqiang discovered he liked hitting things with a saber a lot more than Huaisang did, and would wander off to the training grounds more. He's still very fond of Huaisang as a person though, and will still slip and call him 'Sang-ge' sometimes even after he becomes sect leader.
-Likes doing physical things and is very good with his hands. He has a hobby of wood carving/whittling and he often gifts things to people.
-Very striaght forward and passionate person. Doesn't think before he acts sometimes, but he's fairly well meaning.
-Actually far more intelligent then people expect at first, something he occasionally finds frustrating. He's actually very good with talismans, and sometimes modifies them to better suit his combat style.
-Not good at book learning. Not because he doesn't understand anything, but because he's very bad at memorizing things that to him are just words on a page. He needs something physical or more concrete for his mind to start taking information seriously.
-His caligraphy is actually kind of bad, much to Huaisang's despair. He's just to impatient to do it properly.
-Really loves animals! Has a cat he swears is a spirit cat. He found it as a tiny kitten and hand raised it. It's turned into massive 25 lb reddish-brown cat that follows Weiqiang everywhere it can. He says that he doesn't stop it because it helps him track spirits. You can find it sitting on or drapped over his shoulders a lot because it likes to feel tall.
-Actually alwasy seems to be well dressed and put together. He was around Huaisang a lot as a kid, it seems to have influenced him. Also good at figuring out what looks good on other people, although this very rarely comes up.
-He's ended up with a reputation as 'a young master who brushes everything else to go night hunting' much to his eternal confusion. He knows part of it is because he's been to busy with duties away from the sect to attend mutli-sect gatherings, but most of those were things Huaisang asked him to do! He's actually trying to be responsible here!
-Maybe some of that is Huaisang's way of trying to keep him safe from certain people by making him seem like not a threat.
-Politics is kind of a '???' thing to him, tbh.
-He ends up being kind of intimidating to people even without meaning to be, and doesn't understand why.
-Really he's just that one extrovert that ends up adopting all nearby introverts into his friendgroup. He's just a little pushy about it sometimes

-He's actually part of a branch of the Nie family that makes the sabers their clan is famous for. They're tempermental so it was thought best ot keep their forging secerts 'in house' as it were. Weiqiang's uncle is the current head blacksmith, with Weiqiang's own father and cousin assisting him. His mother is also a blacksmith who married into the Nie's, but she focuses more on special weapons that some memembers of the clan use in addition to their sabers. Weiqiang himself has no talent with blacksmithing, although he does have some knowlege of it and how to tell if a weapon is good or not.

-He also thinks Mo Xuanyu is very cute because I like to make him suffer