egg's Comments

$8 ?

I'll take this ^o^ — Send the funds here: and I'll transfer em over!

Not able to get to my phone rn, will send them when I can get to my phone next :]

Okay!! ^^ take ur time <3

sent, yahoo

I got it! Ill transfer now (sorry I was nappin)

Yussss I will probably take the art offer if no one throws money or smth at the end of the day for sure ur art is so cute audjdjejsj

yipepe !!!!!!!!!!!

Wld it be okay if I take sum art for the sea bun maybe?? :0 just whatever u wanna do 🙏

YES i can do anything feel free to dm !!!!!!

I hate using th inbox jfjsjd i hope its okay if I can just reply > < can you draw it maybe? Just anything!! Preferably the long haired version w/ clothes 🙏

it’s all good i cn def do it !!!

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I didn't see anyone I'd use, sorry!!