Ramon Manuel Ortega



1 year, 6 months ago


Ramon Ortega
Name Ramon Manuel Ortega
Age 38
Gender/Orientation Male/Hetero
Race Mexican
Role Deep NET freelance, programmer
Demeanor Antisocial, quick-tempered; loner; womanizer
Bad relationships:
His sister: Abigail
Neutral relationships:
Letizia Valentino's mother
— Also he is in codependent relationship with Monica [no data]


    Ramon Manuel Ortega (Lorca). Born May 5, 2148. Ramon was the first and desired child in the family of Amado and Fernanda. His mother was only twenty-two years old when she gave birth to him, at that moment, she was still continuing her studies at the medical institute, so she could not devote much time to the child. Amado, in principle, was almost always busy, therefore, the son was brought up in the majority by hired people. His character and features in the perception of the world were not given much importance. From childhood he grew up as an unsociable and closed-character child. But, since he was desired, he was allowed a lot. That little time of attention was completely devoted to him, his desires were indulged and so on. It suited him. But it could not pass without a trace. He allowed himself liberties and many other manifestations of his difficult character.     After Abigail born, Ramon was already six years old. And he was not satisfied with the fact that the already rare attention was now more often given to his sister, which contributed to even greater closure in himself.     Relationships in the family between each other were, to put it mildly, so-so. Fernanda then fully devoted her time to work and career, Amado was often not at home in general due to his illegal work. Therefore, the children were often left alone with each other. They grew up, Ramon often freaked out and shouted at the nannies. He didn't love his sister at all.
    Such behavior did not suit the parents more and more, therefore, such liberties were stopped in only one way: to deprive them of something material (since they knew absolutely nothing in education and did not want to change). Despite his character, Ramon studied well at school. Since childhood, he was attracted to work with technology and the network. He often locked himself in a room and did something from improvised means, or studied NET, to which he had full access.     The childrens grew up, Abigail herself became inquisitive about the world around her, she was not yet able to appreciate that something was wrong in their family. Therefore, from time to time, she bothered Ramon with questions, intrusion into his personal space, which undoubtedly annoyed him and he only brushed it off. He locked himself in his room, not wanting to spend time with his sister and give even a minute of his time. And if Ramon was still allowed liberties and still endowed him with attention, then with Abigail it was the other way around. She was forbidden a lot. Apparently, parents, observing that the tactics of “good”, in their opinion, parents do not work, decided to apply the tactics of “strict” parents. But, naturally, nothing good came of this. Everything reached the peak that the children simply cursed and constantly quarreled among themselves.     Ramon often ran away from home, because he did not find peace and solitude in the house. Often just on streets alone. But puberty has become quite unbearable. He became completely out of control. He was rude to everyone around him, was rude to the nannies who were still sitting with his younger sister and was rude to his parents. Which didn't suit them at all. Therefore, while studying in high school, he was assigned to a sports and combat bias, hoping to somehow dampen his ardor.
    And if this only played into Ramon's hands, then, coupled with his character, only fights and fights with peers who mocked his oddities followed. During one of the evenings at home, when parents, as usual, were not at home, already grown up, but still childishly inquisitive Abigail once again bothered Ramon, hoping to get the missing attention. He reacted too sharply, only anger and uncontrollability flared inside him.     He grabbed his pocket knife (cold weapons also became his passion and addiction over time) and, holding Abigail to the floor, simply cut her face, absolutely not knowing what he was doing. The nanny came running to the screams and immediately tried to get through to her parents when she saw Abigail's face covered in blood. But, the attempts were in vain, Ramon just left and locked himself in his room, and the rest remained to wait for the doctors.     After this Ramon said that this was just an accident, he tried to throw all the responsibility on his sister and simply either ran away from the house or locked himself in the room. As usual.

    That act, however, got away with it. But now he was completely deprived of all handouts. But the strict attitude towards Abigail also has not gone away. Ramon became addicted to drugs, at the age of sixteen he tried something “light”. At first, to drown out his thoughts, to distract from everything that was happening, just to focus on his devices, which he himself was already doing quite well. Jammers, interceptors. For him it was not difficult.
    After school, Ramon was assigned to an institute with a financial focus, but he was not interested. But now he could practically not appear at home at all. The fights became more violent, drugs only intensified and he became completely uncontrollable. In one of the brawls, in the company of the same uncontrollable teenagers, one of the participants killed a man by negligence. Ramon was shot in the stomach. And here was the first term of Ramon's imprisonment, only six months, for complicity, but this did not suit the parents at all, because the eldest child now began to attract too much attention to himself.
  After Ramon was released from prison, his father put forward not rosy conditions for him. Now he isnt member of their family, neither according to the documents, nor how. And distant relatives agreed to keep it. Amado, of course, allocated a sum of money for the maintenance of his son, and he himself no longer has anything to do with the family.   Ramon was furious at this, but without saying a word to his father, he just left. He was already an adult, in his opinion, he thought about how to take advantage of this. In protest, he renounces his father's surname (Lorca). Arriving in a new "family", he also closed himself and politely asked just not to touch him. The family that took him to Valentino's mother and her current wife. (From this we can conclude that Letitia has a rescuer syndrome, since her first husband was a criminal).
      He continued to do what he was always interested in: technology, NET (precisely the lower layer), the creation and modification of various devices. This indicates a very high intelligence of the young man. Substances have not gone anywhere. Ramon skillfully manipulated people without feeling shame.
They did not live in poverty, but they did not live in rich style either. Valentino still partially provided for his mother after the court sentence. Likewise, the amount transferred from Amado to Ramon's account played into his hands. He didn't use this money, saved it for something more, transferring only small amounts to drugs.
To this day, Valentino has retained the status of demand for his personality and, in general he tries to take part in charity.
  Ramon contacts NET terrorists, not knowing for sure and not suspecting who they are against. It didn't interest him. After the death of his parents, almost everything acquired goes to his sister, he also did not immediately find out about this. Only a small part of the funds passes to him by inheritance. This act undoubtedly angers him and seems unfair to him. And further fuels his disdain for Abigail and his parents.

HTML by Pinky

Height 189 cm; 6.2'
Weight 67 kg; 147 lbs
Bodytype Thin
Hair Style Short
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Light-blue
Skin Color Brown
Clothing Style Streetwear
Posture Tense