Salem Amor Maquínn



1 year, 6 months ago


Salem is a 20-year-old, part-human part-machine living in 1989 America... he's a mysterious entity who spends his days at the local arcade, where Tel visits him from time to time. He's an eccentric, character, whose mood fluctuates quickly. it's impossible to know exactly what he could possibly be thinking through his soulless eyes.

*By the way, he's depicted with short hair for a lot of these, but his hair is LONG! (and he has a nose!) :-]

Very Fun Facts!
  • He's a gay man. Uses He/Him.
  • He prefers not to talk about his life prior to becoming a machine. His real name is not Salem, but he chose that for himself.
  • Highly intelligent, and works well with computers, it's his hobby.
  • Was a prodigy, fell into a downward spiral, and now lives in an arcade cabinet. 
  • He doesn't pose a threat to others but himself; he's just insane in the head and is very isolated from humanity... the idea of human emotion is becoming more and more foreign to him.
  • Rumors surround his presence, claiming that he's taken the lives of several people, (which isn't true) but there are LIVE human organs within one of the arcade cabinets.