


1 year, 6 months ago



FULL NAME: Mason Ivarson

DATE OF BIRTH: 24.07.800

SPECIES: Grey Wolf/Vampire




PREVIOUS PACKS: The Seventh Sin, Sanguine Bloodbournes

PREVIOUS RANKS: Recruit, Vigilante, Warden, New Blood, Bloodshade/Inner Circle

DAY OF CREATION: 24.07.2019


Upfront he is courteous, but he can be difficult to form a proper connection with, as he is borderline severely apathetic. Which means that he lacks an understanding of emotions and cares little of others. Though he is protective of the ones he does end up caring for. Suffers from blackouts once losing control of his highly unstable rage. Both sadistic and masochistic. Has a strong sense of duty and respect for rules.


Rules and a firm hierarchy, acquiring pain, causing pain, blood once enraged, cold and peaceful environments, gaining knowledge.


Respectless behavior from others, blood as it triggers his rage, to lose control of his temper, the aftermath of his blackouts, warm environments, too many lazy days.


The sheer power of his brawn and heavy weight, his supernatural speed, his psychic abilities, doesn't care about the damage he takes and inflicts, his large paws and the amount of knowledge he obtains.


Mason’s vampirism causes him to burn in the sun. His abnormally large tail is an easy target and can get in the way of his movements. His double coated fur in warm weather adds to the instability of his temperament, which causes memory loss after the blackouts once triggered. 

There is also a chance where he takes the fights too far by taking too much damage to where it's fatal, or by inflicting pain and damage in situations where he really shouldn't, as he obtains little to no control of himself when enraged.  


Tilts his head to the side when intrigued, doesn’t talk much unless there’s something he seeks to learn or obtain.


PHYSIQUE: Large, muscular and bulky.

SIZE: Roughly the same size as a polar bear.

FUR: Double coated, long.

TAIL: Bushy, abnormally long.

MANE: Big, messy, partially braided.

TEETH: Chaotically positioned, double upper and lower canines, sharp.

SCARRING: Many across his bodice, most defined on his frontal legs and across his nose.

EXTRA: A row of four spikes across each brow.


FUR: A mixture of greys, whites and dark browns.

TEETH: Dark grey

EYES: Black sclera, no iris, ice blue pupils.

NOSE: White

CLAWS: Dark grey

SPIKES: Dark grey

TOP COAT: Dark grey


MANE: Dark brown

MARKINGS: White mask on his face, dark grey under eyes, light grey nose bridge, black lining along the white mask starting from the corners of his eyes, medium sized black spots across his body and down his tail, horizontal brown stripes on his spine, black right hind-leg. 


Supernatural strength and speed

The beast has a strength and speed that stretches far beyond any mortal’s limits.

Emotional manipulation

He has the ability to tap into the mind of another creature and change the way they feel.


Having tapped into another creature’s mind, he can take over the cerebral cortex, optic nerve and thalamus, manipulating them to see what he wants them to see.

Mental connection

He can form a connection with another creature’s mind, allowing him to communicate with them through it.









Past bond/s: Sheep

Past courtship/s: Sheep, Lorena

Past interest/s: Sheep, Lorena



Mother: Solveig

Father: Ivar

Brother/s: Unknown

Sister/s: Unknown



Son/s: Nathan Fox, Atlas Okapi, Gregory Hawk

Daughter/s: Revna Gale, Ronja Hound, Macy Lamb


Son/s: Rorhik, Lure





Conceived by Solveig in the north during the early viking era, Mason’s early life was one to be considered normal at the time. He ate well and acquired a few friends as a pup, there was not much drama surrounding his origin pack, no obvious enemies to be vary of. No natural disasters such as bad weather or illnesses killing off his loved ones. It was a safe life and at the time a healthy life.

To the modern eye, the pack’s traditions may seem a bit off. As the brute was taught at an early age what death is and how it can happen, how he could force it and how to enjoy it. In other words he was taught to kill by the time his physique had grown strong enough to do some damage. The way they enforced it was strict, if he got hurt he had to shake it off and continue the fight until his opponents fell. The only other way to end the fight would be for him to fall. If he did so and survived, he’d be ridiculed and thought less of. To a young and impressionable mind such consequences was something he’d seek to avoid. 

He wasn’t perfect from the get go, but his genetics had given him a sturdy body and muscles that formed with more ease. Thus he quickly moved through the training period.  Having both acquired and lost friends in the process.


Another tradition of his origin pack was raiding, it was part of the very reason their young were safe growing up. Not only did they obtain stolen goods that would be shared with the entire pack by the time they got home, they would also instill fear in the minds of their neighbors and anyone that heard of them. Raider wolves who stole and killed anyone in their way, who never seemed to fear the thought of death as they watched their comrades fall as their targets defended themselves. 

Those who were considered as lucky victims, were the ones who got captured and brought with the raiders, never to be heard of again. But hey, they were likely to be alive right?

To Mason’s origin pack, those who got captured were used as extra workforce. Doing tasks the pack members weren’t too keen on doing, they were referred to as Trell and were usually treated poorly. Whether or not it would be better than death would be up to them.

The thought of joining the raids, or the viking as the pack would say, was appealing to the young brute. It was something of a motivation that he was taught to seek out once finished with the training, thus as many other young wolves of that pack, he too would go on such an adventure. Controlled by fine tuned rage and sickly bloodlust, he’d kill without a second thought. Enjoying the pain he caused onto his opponents and at times he’d enjoy the pain they caused him back. It was a horrible scene to observe and experience. 

Had it not been for the training he went through, it would likely be a heavy and scarring memory to carry throughout his life, but one part of the training was honing the ability to forget. To not dwell on the past and to move forwards. Once time passed and the bloodshed calmed down, the raiding party started to prepare for the way home. Calling out for the young to return. 

With adventurous curiosity occupying the male’s mind, he’d drop the goods he had collected and separate from his family.  Leaving them behind with a strong craving of learning more about this world beyond the north, beyond harsh weather and rock solid ground. On his journey he’d stumble across multiple territories of both aggressive and passive packs, he’d kill and make short lasting friends as he’d never feel the need to settle for long.



The Seventh Sin, at this point of time the brute had grown to become more careless of his surroundings and always seemed to hold this eerie calm demeanor. With the time he had come to realize that the southern lands held weak inhabitants, he had not met anyone who really seemed to be able to cause him any significant harm. Thus there was no need to stay too alert, if something bumped into him, he’d be able to deal with it. Should he not, well, perhaps it would be for the better. 

His outside demeanor was not the only thing that had changed, something within had too. For some reason, his mind held spots of emptiness, there were larger periods of time missing within his memories. He’d remember being somewhere and meeting someone, close his eyes and then come back to the sight of blood and a new set of wounds decorating his appearance, wounds he did not recall acquiring. It even stretched on to moments where he’d meet new creatures who for some reason seemed to hold a personal grudge towards him, though they spoke of threats and promises of how they’d end him, it never seemed to become reality. The only thing that bothered him about this, was the inability to remember why. The only connection he made was that he often felt angry moments before his memory became lost.

With this connection in mind, he’d start to suppress his emotions. Avoiding the feeling of annoyance and anger at all costs. To the onlooker, he’d become emotionally void and with time, he’d slowly forget what feelings meant. Their differences. His anger, to be content and to be discontent were the only feelings he’d recognise.

He didn’t make many friends in The Seventh Sin but he did do well in his chosen profession, so much so that he did a leap from being a Vigilante to becoming an Warden. From start to end. His tasks were to police the pack, to ensure they followed the rules and punish those who did not. Of course, to avoid straight out killing the few members who broke the laws, he’d refrain from doing much damage. As blood for some reason triggered his suppressed rage. He would only hurt them physically if the law called for it, other than that he’d do simple tricks of intimidation and pure force of his large and heavy stature to knock them down.

Mason enjoyed this rank as the rules gave him a peace of mind, something to effortlessly follow and lean on. Focus on and get distracted by. Rules meant order and in packs they also meant hierarchy, easy and straightforward.


As time continued to pass on, the pack would eventually make new alliances as neighbors settled in nearby. This allied pack was quite peaceful and it held sociable members within, one of them being a small lass that the brute would come to know as Sheep. She would continuously approach him with worries about his health and stories of her life within the allied pack, she was a kind and caring soul, comfortable to have around. It required some time to pass for the brute to form a bond with this fae, but she was patient and consistent enough for it to happen.

Fast forward past days of mundane tasks and one sided conversations, you’ll come to the day where the allied pack became victims of a raid. A raid done by wolves who held similarities with Mason’s origin pack. Despite having promised protection through their bonds of alliance, The Seventh Sin never came to aid their friendly neighbors, as they had accepted a promise of a new alliance with the raiding pack itself in secrecy. Thus the brute would remain oblivious at the time where the attack happened, unaware of his friend’s need of protection. It was only during the aftermath that Sheep had managed to make her way to the male, telling him of what had happened to her home and to herself. Damaged by the raiders, bleeding from her wounds, the world became black in the eyes of the beast.

At this point he could have done unspeakable acts to the ones who had harmed the one soul he held care for, though it was that same soul who somehow talked him out of it, brought him back from the dark. This occurrence was entirely new to him, usually he’d return to a more grotesque scene, but this time he returned to the sight of her.

Having been informed by his leaders of their decision to ally with this new pack, there was little he could do about avenging the damages done to his friend. The only thing he could offer was his presence as she’d often come by and spend as much time as possible around his current pack, avoiding the abusive members of the pack that had conquered her home. It was both a good thing and a bad thing to have her around, it was good because it let him keep an eye on her to ensure her safety, but bad because it also let her spend time with the questionable members he lived among. 

His leaders often found blood and violence to be good entertainment, quite unreliable in many ways. Being one of their main pawns to enact this violence, and being unable to defy their word as their word was the law, he held the worry that should they ask him to hurt his friend, he would have no choice but to do so. 

That worry would only increase as Sheep somehow managed to leave her former raiders behind and join The Seventh Sin, now being around these questionable leaders full time. Though it would also allow for them to bond deeper and end up becoming eachother’s mate. It was a good relationship, they balanced eachother out, both in the best and the worst ways possible. He was brought up to do harm whilst she was taught to heal. She was quite the emotional being, whilst emotions weren’t exactly his strong suit.

As time went on Sheep would slowly talk the brute into bringing six new beings to life, three sons and three daughters. He had been a bit hesitant about the matter, not quite seeing the point in passing his broken genetics on, but it had been an important wish of the fae he cared for. Thus he would comply and father the young ones until they got old enough to care for themselves.