Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

 Now that that's out of the way...

Possible Trigger Warnings and information are listed in the spoilers below.


- Characters tagged Heed the Trigger Warnings or Heed the Mature Warnings will have major trigger warning and/or mature content. These are the two tags you should never ignore.
- Most of my characters will have identities within the SAGA/LGBTQ+ spectrum. These characters will not have page warnings, unless they meet one or more of my other criteria for page warnings, which are listed below.
- Some characters will contain sensitive and/or potentially triggering content. These characters will have page warnings*, and warnings for each image with sensitive and/or potentially triggering content.
- Some characters will contain religious themes. These characters will have page warnings*, and warnings for each image with religious content.
- Some characters will contain "vent" content. These characters will have page warnings*, and warnings for each image with venting, and will probably be tagged with the vent character tag.
- Some characters will have phobias mentioned in their profiles. These characters will have page warnings*, but they will not contain content that may trigger reactions from said phobias.
- Some characters will have food-based designs. These characters will be tagged "food" in case you want to avoid them, but they will not have page warnings, unless they meet one or more of my other criteria for page warnings, which are listed  above

On Kinning and Fictives:

  I'm not really sure what kinning is - even after learning the definition and having it described to me, I can't seem to wrap my head around it - but I would prefer you not kin my characters I now know what it means to kin a character! ... At least in my own way, and I know it's usually not intentional, so if you kin any of my characters, that is okay. I still would not like you to create kinsonas, especially since most of their personalities and stories are not uploaded. But, if you feel like you need to, please DM me. I want to be aware of it before anyone tries to tell me you've copied a character of mine. That would be an upsetting situation for both of us. :<

  I know some people don't like interacting with "doubles" (I think that's what they're called), so I kin Endermen and PAMA from Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode, respectively. I don't mind if other people who kin then interact with me, though! I'm not actually them, especially not PAMA lol. (Like I said, I have kins in my own way.)

  If you as a system (DID, OSDD, etc.) "create" or host a fictive of one of my characters, I would like to know about it (and maybe I can answer some questions you might have about them), but I will not punish you for it. I know it's not something you can control. This includes endogenic/non-traumagenic systems as well. I have no right to un-diagnose you or gatekeep your disorder or plurality status, whatever the source may be. I work hard to make my profile a safe place for everyone who comes to it without the intent to harm others.

  Any and all visible characters may be added to your favorites if you wish, and if you want to add any of them to a "dreamies" folder, you may do so. I would prefer you not add "Kyle" or my "ventsona" character to such a folder, but I can't stop you if you do. :)  

  As stated on my profile page, most of my characters are very personal to me, and unless they are labeled in their name or tagged with "UFT" or "UFS" (Up For Trade and Up For Sale, respectively), they are not available for offers. The only exception to this is if it has a "Freebie" tag. If a character is tagged with this, feel free to comment on it and ask how you can claim it. Before claiming or adopting any characters or designs from me, you must favorite my Terms of Service agreement. (This rule is in effect as of 18:30 PT on Monday, May 23, 2022. All previous and future transactions of designs made by me have my global terms listed under the ownership tab of their profile. My TOS is linked in there as well.)

Cryptocurrency and Non-Fungible Tokens are not allowed to be associated with me or my work. If anyone sells, trades, or otherwise transfers, or attempts to sell, trade, or otherwise transfer, my work for cryptocurrency, as a Non-Fungible Token, or cryptocurrency or any Non-Fungible Token is otherwise involved in the transaction, it is illegal and is to be reported as stolen work. This applies to everything I ever have created and everything I ever will create, as long as I live and forever after.

* I am still learning how to use ToyHouse, so page warnings and tagged warnings may not currently be available for all individual characters. However, image warnings are added when the image is first uploaded or when I first receive the character, so that is the current consistent layer of protection. Please stay safe, and don't forget to hydrate. 💛

Also, if you want to talk with me about Endermen or Minecraft Story Mode, please do! 💜🖤💜

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Trigger Warning:
This character creates an illusion of having many eyes, and this illusion is visible in the images.

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