Drew Sanford



1 year, 9 months ago


His pinterest board

Basic Info:

Drew is a 34 y.o trans butch lesbian living in 1990 in the pacific north-west. In his small town, where he works as a bookseller, he goes by Andrew and passes as a man— but he’s quiet and doesn't let anyone get close. The locals are extremely curious about him because he is veryyy reclusive and unwilling to participate in local stuff. 

One day, he is alarmed to find a girl drowning in the creek next to his house and hurries outside to pull her out of the water, saving her life. After learning that the young woman, Laura, is a runaway from an abusive home, he allows her to live in his basement suite. Upon venturing into town together for clothes and food, the locals assume that Laura is Drew's fiancee, and the duo end up being forced to play along. Blah blah blah, yearning, lesbianism, slowburn.


Drew appears older than he is, and as kind of asexual (he doesn't necessarily identify as asexual but he gives that vibe. He's like an old widowed academic in the body of a young-ish dyke LOL) He's also extremely reserved and tense and it comes across in his stance. He likes history and writing, and doesn't like tv.


Drew looks a lot like a young Alison Bechdel or Jean Cocteau. His eyes are a warm medium brown, though not many people notice them because he wears glasses and purposefully avoids eye contact. He has a narrow and small face, a prominent, aquiline nose and thin lips. His hair is short, relatively straight, and dark brown. He is 5'11", lean, slightly muscular, and flat chested.


He never spent much time at home and wasn’t close to his parents, he moved out as soon as he could. They didn’t realize he was a lesbian per-say, but suspected that something was wrong and treated him accordingly. When Drew was 20 (and more open with his sexuality lol) his parents drove by a dyke march he was participating in and pulled up to talk to him. He froze, and then a shirtless friend of his came up from behind him and pressed her naked chest against his back. His parents immediately sped away before he could react, and he hasn’t seen or thought much of them since.