


1 year, 6 months ago


RosaliaRose/RosieFire Nyanarr

This little doll is all bundled up, ready and waiting to go on a romantic winter date! Ice skating, hot drinks, holding hands in the snowy park surrounded by pretty lights! They want to warm your heart, you won't keep them waiting right?
Name Rosalia
Age 24
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Bisexual
Occupation Barista
Hobbies Ice Skating, Dancing, Walking
Likes Hot Tea, Hot Cocoa, Flowers
Dislikes Pollen, Cold Tea, Coffee
Species Fire Nyanarr
World Gaidinia

Common - Fire
Masterlist Link

- Fire (Common)

Design Notes:
- The golden accents on the fluffballs are accessories, as are the flowers worn in the hair!

Listed rarity is based on Element

Rosalia is from a long line of Fire Nyanarrs, proud of their heritage and bloodline. Rosalia, however, as a young child did not understand how serious her parents would take it to even spend time with a nyanarr of another element. From a very young age Rosalia was quite sheltered, though she had an adventurous side to where she would love to sneak away and go do as she pleases. While it lasted for a while, when she was an early teenager, she was finally caught and once her parents found out she was in huge trouble and practically banished to her room for the next year. Once that year had been finished, Rosalia continued her adventures, though only learned from her mistakes on how to hide the evidence better. Because of this, she was quickly seen as a troublemaker in the eyes of the other families but was quick to move away from her own family all the way to Kithiria where she would settle in her new life, getting a job as a barista where she would learn her passion for warm drinks and cozy evenings. It is one day her hope that she will be able to have her own cafe, though this dream has not come to fruition quite yet, she holds out hope.

Despite what she sometimes feels a late start on relationships and friendships, she is very open and very willing to put herself out there to make friends and meet all the different types of people in Gaidinia.


Relationships TBA
Placeholder - Relationship


code by fesaher maybe allegedly