
6 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Bang, Hyun Ki


Papa Bang, Jiji, Ajussi








6'4" ft (193 cm)


Sly | Attentive | Playful | Calm | Charismatic | Compassionate | Intuitive

Bang is a very friendly, playful type of person and likes to join in on anything plus doesn't like to be alone and will tend to force himself into a conversation he wasn't invited to. The man is one to act sly around other sometimes for the reason of prying out people's true intentions or their true selves if they happen to be hiding something. Reactions towards things for Bang usually turns out natural and calm for him unless otherwise where his reactions will end up turning much larger than calm for ex; eating super hot foods and trying to keep his cool but usually ends up with him sweating and screaming. Aside the natural and calm mood he emits, he does have a sincere and serious side to him when he isn't joking around with others. He usually acts this way when he is busy testing out the weapons he creates for each department's members or when he is actually facing a spirit. When this is the case, he is a real party pooper and doesn't play around, but this is only of good intentions. Bang can be quite a blunt person, he feels that being straightforward will get to peoples head's better especially if they are quite thick headed. Through a charistmatic attitude, Bang likes to put devotion into his members making sure they make the best of themselves and for others, making sure they never give up and strive to complete what they need to do. Showing great concern and sympathy for his members, he leaves no person behind and makes sure they are able to keep up with others making Bang quite compassionate about people in general. Bang trusts his gut feeling and the aura people give around him, he knows when someone is lying and when someone is hiding something from the way they act or move, he makes most of his decisions based on the situation and is very intuitive about the things he comes across.


+ Roses and the color red
 - Unorganization (yeah right, lets laugh at this one)
+ Rabbits  
- People calling him a giant/lame/blindy/etc.
+ Weapons (Swords/Knives especially)    
- Failed weapon experiments
+ Being with people   
- Extremely Hot/Spicy foods
+ Being Nosy/Intruding    
- Dresses/Skirts (He feels they are very unecessary, PANTS PANTS PANTS)
+ The contentment he sees from people    
- Cocky, over confident people
+ Nightime, Rain   
- Getting his blade rack caught behind doors when he gets through them
+ Playing around here and there, being too serious is a bore unless required

       Growing up as an orphan child within King's city, Bang lived a life of poverty within a small orphanage run by manipulative owners that only wanted the children to secretly work and earn them money. Hiding away the information that children in the past that lived in the orphanage had died there, Bang was able to see the unrested spirits of these children that still wandered the area, knowing the truth behind this building and what their true intentions was instead of finding children a good family and home. Confronting other children in the orphanage about the things he saw and if he was just hallucinating or not, the other children treated him as an outcast and bullied Bang, some even harming him keeping him quiet about the things he told for awhile. The day he was blinded in his right eye was a day during a normal time of 'recess' for the children. The children cornered Bang and decided they would play a 'little game' within the kitchen to see if Bang would be able to see any spirits during this time of the day and to test out his little share of 'seeing spirits'. Telling the others that there were none at the moment when there really were a couple appearing outside the kitchen's windows and within the kitchen area, the children were immediately angered and yelled and chanted that Bang was truly just a liar for attention and a knife was grabbed immediately by one child, this child immediately slashing Bang in the face with the knife. Trying to avoid the attack, Bang would only be able to save his face but his eye was another story as it was cut and caused the small boy great pain and a massive bloody mess. 

    The boy was later hospitalized and caused the orphanage a massive bill to pay that they wouldn't be able to afford and discarded Bang from the orphanage, the whereabouts of who caused Bang's injury never heard of and the information stating Bang's expulsion was missing. A particular one eyed woman who wore an eye patch had come visiting a young brother of her's at the hospital and found Bang neighboring in the same room as her brother and looked over this similar boy that was one eyed just like her. Engaging a conversation with the woman, Bang was able to tell her all about what had happened and how he managed through his life and that the orphanage he had grew up in was just a lie. The woman decided to take in Bang as her own family, as a little brother of hers instead of a son and treated Bang towards a new life as well as exposing the orphanage of what it truly was, a money-making business using orphan kids. 

    Living a new life, Bang didn't happen to know about living with a retired military general which was the woman whom took him in. The woman was a person whom still took interest to the military life and all that it had to offer, sometimes bringing Bang around to explore more than the world that he had used to live in, showing him the violence that brought about the world by the use of weapons and wars. He was interested in how the woman had lived, how she became to be the general she was, and asked to learn more about how to live the way she lived, so daring. Bang grew up with this woman and her brother with the knowledge of what the government truly hid and the wars that were initiated from the past and the weapons that were used within it. From time to time alone, sometimes Bang would still be able to see the spirits he once saw when he was younger, lingering and wandering the streets of King's city through the night.     

    Eventually as time went by, the house that Bang resided in was broken into as requested by the government seeing the woman, her brother, and Bang as a threat. Knowing the woman was sharing secrets given to the generals and commanders of the previous wars, it was assumed she had been spilling secrets to close people including Bang and her brother along with others whom would have also been arrested as well. They were all discarded to the underwater prison of King's city in which Bang was now separated from the others, not knowing what their fate or his own would become. It was one fateful night that a particular person who dressed ever so formally approached Bang with a request of whether he would like to be saved or to stay in the hellhole that was of the underwater prison. Knowing that the 'sister and brother' he grew up with was to meet a fate far worse than his own, he took it on his own accord to do what they both would have wished best for Bang and went with the mysterious formally dressed figure whom was the past boss of NOCTIS, Nier's father. 

    Starting out as the fresh meat of a newbie of NOCTIS that resided on the island of Leia that he had never heard of or seen of in his life, Bang grew within the society of NOCTIS, eager to help those with his vast knowledge of weapons and fighting skills he knew from the start by his 'sister' as well as fighting alongside others whom had the special gift of seeing spirits as he did. Growing up and learning to grow with NOCTIS, he was eventually promoted in rank to that of an agent. Knowing Bang, the rank didn't matter so much to him, he treated everyone equally and didn't regard other's existence if he was a higher-up than them and trained himself as well as other's that were lower than him or that had trouble in skills especially in weaponry which he primarily focused in through the years of working with NOCTIS. The past boss that had monitored over both the way Bang acted towards others and his vast knowledge in the field of weapons and his gradually improving skill set, called Bang into his office one day and spoke to Bang about his years of experience and growing up with the organization before announcing to Bang a promotion to be a Council within the field of Weaponry. Bang gratefully accepted this promotion, making him head of the Weapons department where he would now be able to focus on testing and creating new kinds of weapons for the organization of NOCTIS.

Extra Info: 

★ Has a 'Thorn/Rose' Tattoo that stretches from his left neck to his back then around his arms down to the top of his hands.

★ He is blind in his right eye where a scar resides. 

★ If you give him a fully bloomed and perfect red rose with no scratches/signs of wilting, he will be your friend/bro 4 ever.

★ Bang's hair is originally black and he likes to keep it half white. Half of his hair is white, the other black and slightly less grown than the white side.

★ Bang tends to add "Babe, dear, love" to the end of people's names. He feels it is quite a lovely additional sound to an already lovely name.

★ Wears a eyepatch with a sillouhette of a rose if he gets tired of showing his closed eye or for professional reasons.

★ When Bang opens his scarred eye, it helps clarify the sight of spirits just a little more. He isn't completely blind in his scarred eye but can only see blurs of colors mixing together that help his whole vision. After all, it is quite hard to see with only one available eye, so why not use both when the other isn't completely useless.