

1 year, 6 months ago



Aliases Crim, Bluecollar, Bigman
Gender Male
Age 37 Moons
Pronouns He/him
Birthday 10/19
Orientation Homosexual (closeted)
Height 9.5"
Species Felis Catus
Role Thunderclan Warrior
Theme Link

He has a dirty blonde colored pelt, with slightly darker leg stripes, face stripes, ears, wrists, and hock. White paws and throat. A slightly lighter tan underbelly. His fur is short though with length noticeable at his joints like his wrist and elbows, as well as his tail, ear tips, chin, and cheeks. He is always well-groomed and maintains a healthy coat. He has hazel eyes but they look primarily yellow, with a thin ring of green around his pupil. Crimson does not have any scars, though distinctly he has a white neck and white paw tips. Also notable is his red nose.

Crimson is a well-muscled and sinewy tom that is very well-rounded in most physical aspects. With unmatched stamina, and long legs he makes for a formidable appearance. Athletic and robust with a functional form.

His father was a cat named; Stagback, the same coloration as Crimson, though with rosettes in the same darker brown as Crimson’s wrist, with the same paler underbelly color on the inside of these rosettes. His darkened wrist stretches further up on his forelegs, but he too has a solid white neck and pawtoes. Though notably, his tail tip is also white.

To say their relationship was strained, is an understatement. If you think Crimsonsun is rigid, and strict you must’ve never met Stagback. Stagback has instilled almost all he knows into Crimsonsun, including even his own faults (and then some). Crimson remains loyal to his father but there is rift torn between them that neither could ever hope to repair. Crimson will often say that his relationship to his father felt insincere and stressful, as if he was constantly in the wrong or awaiting conflict. Always marred with failure, and too “feminine” to be truly considered Stagback’s only son. There was never any quality or kinship between them despite Crimson’s desperate attempts to win Stag’s approval, and eventually it dwindled into a chore maintaining his relationship with his father. Something he only did out of obligation. Stag’s criticalness of his son, and venomous language towards him has tainted the relationship with an ugly darkness that can't be rectified. When facing his father became too great a task for Crimson to do he closed a metaphorical door on that part of his life. Even though it is easy to notice the lingering values he’s left behind in the form of his son.

His mother Buriedglory was dull-coated despite her vibrantly red pelt with a yellow underbelly and darker red rosetted marbles over top. Dull, dead eyes with heavy bags beneath them and unkempt short fur.

She was truly just a dull she-cat, not stupid or doltish, but departed from emotional intellect. He’s heard briefly that she was brighter and not so chronically fatigued when she was still hopeful for kits, but after failing to conceive many times over she has grown worn and weary to the star’s judgement. Granted one son, and cold already to the cruelty of Starclan she all but physically abandoned him. Most days laying completely silent and stone-faced in her nest refusing to interact with or even look at her kit. When he became an apprentice, she showed slightly more active participation in his life, but seemed to share Stagback’s sentiment that he was a failure of a son. In his later moons as an apprentice she resumed no longer interacting with him, going so far as to tell others he is not her son. Crimson is not terribly offended by this and simply respects the distance she’s put between them making no attempts to fix it.


Positive Traits
  • Pragmatic
  • Calm
  • Loyal
Negative Traits
  • Socially-inept
  • Workaholic
  • Intimidating

Crimson has a rigid and militaristic sense of duty, having been wholly deprived of a childhood and subject only to his father’s training from the time he could walk. He is strict in his own training and holds himself to an impossibly high standard that nobody could hope to achieve alone. He is rather closed-off and quiet, not out of shyness but born from a stoic seriousness attributed back to his sense of duty- and a severely lacking set of social skills. He finds lengthy conversations particularly difficult, and awkward, always feeling as if he is missing some crucial context. He is appreciative though of his pragmatic and skilled clan members, and though a man of few words will occasionally go out of his way to make sure they are thanked properly.

Though when he does speak he is generally hailed as eloquent and articulate, mostly a farce begotten from a need to be looked at with respect. The refusal to utter “ums”, “uhs”, or “ahs”, or other filler is something instilled in him from a young age for fear of being regarded as uncouth or improper. He tends to look at weak things as effeminate, and with staunch disapproval of frail personalities or ideas. He finds cowardliness to be an unjustifiable offense, and will always speak out against the cowardly peoples or options.

His unwavering demeanor is so fully ingrained in his life that oftentimes those seeking stable temperaments are not opposed to seeking him- or those wanting pragmatic advice. Crimson is very good at faking a sense of self-confidence but has almost none, thinking he is a fundamentally flawed individual with no hope of being fixed. Constantly and consistently working himself up into loops of shame and self-doubt that are masked by an impassive expression. A lot of what he speaks is regurgitated proverbs spat at him by his father.

He may sometimes come off as apathetic but he actually has a difficult time concealing his own emotions, face an ever-expressive monument to his internal thoughts, however with a generally calm or critical mood he is not known for being excessively expressive. He can also take some time to warm up to and understand those that choose to align themselves with him, rather oblivious sometimes to his friends desires, needs or wants or constantly second-guessing what he assumes them to be. As he becomes closer to them he will begin to open up more, even occasionally joking along and offering short bouts of banter among other forms of platonic affection.

Crimson makes time at the end of the day to revisit the days’ emotions or events giving an illusion of emotional stability. Again though, this is but a farce, unintentionally as Crimson has even conned himself into believing it works and still struggles to keep his emotions- when prompted under wraps, and sometimes it is a helpful tool but is the only one in Crimson’s arsenal when he should be searching for stability in more than one way.

Crimsonsun is usually reproachful, dismissive, and suspicious of newer rules/laws/traditions. Though “stuck in his ways” isn’t quite the correct descriptor for his disfavor of them, he is open to them if they have a lot of logic behind them, but rarely do they meet his standards. Openly critical of outsiders and unorthodox answers to situations. An advocate for maintaining prior traditions seeing as they have lasted this long, surely cannot be misleading.

He is also intensely loyal to his clan and friends, the few he can make. Though not the type to be overbearing to them, believing them to be more than capable of conducting themself, he is interested in them, their pastimes, and hobbies. Though not the most effective with advice, he makes himself a stable ear to turn to that will never judge or demean them. His loyalty to his clan also means he holds all of his authority figures to a rather high standard, just as he does himself. He will openly voice his disapproval of their actions and criticize how they command their clan, but will not disrespect them.

He does not do anything in half-measures. There is no “in-between” for him, only failure or success. Crimson is surprised by how much he enjoys creation and creating, the festival truly intrigued him, and brought a newfound desire to make. He hopes to be respected, capable, and authentic, as well as bettering himself where and whenever he can. To maintain his able-body and dedicate it back to his clan in the form of patrols, hunting, battles, etc. to repay them for their guidance, and shelter. To grow his battle prowess into something more formidable and fear-inducing. He has a strong fear of his own reflection, and failure.



With Buriedglory interacting as minimally as she could with her kit, outside of necessary feedings, Crimson was largely left to his own devices. In fact, he hadn’t even received a name from Buriedglory, another queen in the den had to give him his name, “Crimsonkit”, for his berry-red nose. He obviously doesn’t remember the early days, but as soon as he could walk his father had made an appearance in his life. Short of taking him out of camp, Stagback relentlessly began training his young kit, in a way that would now be considered too much for a child. Day in and day out Crimson was expected to retain this information and put aside his personal desires to play, or mingle with the other kits or warriors. Largely isolating himself from the attention of others in a bid to appeal to his father’s desires of perfection.


As he became apprentice aged, he was mentored underneath his father. Though not common, Stagback had shown no fickle nature, and his severe personality led most to believe he would not slack in his own child’s training. Which is true, however Crimsonpaw was run absolutely ragged, in between training himself physically he was emotionally bottle-necking himself to remain as “impassive” as his father coveted. He was sharp in his interactions with other apprentices- mostly unintentionally, trying to impart his teachings of absolute loyalty upon them. He became a social pariah amongst the apprentices, his inability to identify, manage, and express his emotions had the other apprentices predominantly avoiding him. For fear he would blow a fuse, or something of the like. Crimson’s behavior however was considerably different around warriors/authority, and especially his father. Isolated and alone with stunted emotional growth, when it came to trouble he would refuse to seek help. Expecting only conflict from his need for assistance, or being seen as weak because of it.

Despite his troubles with his fellow apprentices, he was an excellent apprentice. Never asking unnecessary questions, and absorbing lessons well. He could be caught at many hours of the day training himself, be it going over that day’s lesson out loud or running laps across the forest. Through his obedience and excellency, Stagback was far from satisfied. Finding and nitpicking any faults he could see, as well as some many would not consider a fault at all.


Though he struggled as an apprentice he was well-received as a warrior by his clanmates, more than happy to welcome such an accomplished apprentice among their ranks. He was dubbed “Crimsonsun”, in part due to his golden coat, but also because of his ferocity and loyalty akin to the sun itself. He was as always a loyal and diligent warrior. Often taking double the patrols, or doing work for his senior warriors in their stead.

Being well-received as he was as a ‘paw, many cats had high hopes for him, and he strived to remain as exemplary as possible. Most often taking over small duties and picking up slack where he could. He worked long, hard hours to earn the respect of his peers, but not once earned more than flat ‘thank yous’ and disingenuous congratulations for all he did for his clan, and still bereft of a friend or any reprieve from his isolation. One day he’d worked himself so punishingly he came down with a fever that left him nest-ridden for two days. Though the med-cat had said he’d healed remarkably fast, his father Stagback took offense to his perceived laziness, and publicly berated his only son for “lying on his back like a yellow-bellied coward” instead of doing all he could for his clan.

Crimson took this all in stride, uttering apologies to all the warriors and cats he’d disappointed with his absence and promised to take on twice the amount of work- to make up for what he’d missed. Though most took pity on him, few did take advantage of his offer, and he found himself swamped with responsibilities. He did complete them all to the best of his ability however.

During this time there was word of a fox near the edge of the territory, and whilst he was out completing menial tasks his father was dispatched on a patrol to find and chase off the encroaching fox. The battle was a difficult one- a terrified mother fox with kits of her own desperate to keep her home, but it was eventually won. Though not without grievous injuries. Stagback managed to stay alive until he got back to camp, but passed from his injuries after only a day, as sedulous a warrior he was, the mourning was a long one, filled with sorrow and sympathy for his only son and mate. Crimson was battling a mix of emotions, unsure how to categorize his feelings on the passing of his father, but one he could identify surfaced. Guilt, it ate away at him, at his insides, he was younger, more capable, he should have been the one on that patrol. Yet, due to his own mistakes he was not available for it, and had resulted in his father’s death.

Briefly afterwards was when Crimsonsun displayed the most alarming behaviors, suddenly acting out, vile with rage, and crushing with sorrow. A time he’d dubbed his “rebellious phase”, still friendless and lonely though, he’d do things that were taboo- nothing code-breaking, but certainly suspicious and more suited to the shenanigans of a flamboyant apprentice than a well-respected and well-rounded warrior. As an example: he would skip patrols, catch prey to eat instead of bringing it back for the rest. As quick as this phase came though, it was gone. He resumed his usual due-diligence, and it was widely accepted that this was just part of his mourning process. That he simply didn’t know what to do with himself after his father passed. Crimson had trouble agreeing with them though, the mix of emotions tight in his belly after his fathers death made him feel wrong. He should feel sad, shouldn’t he? But at times he was just angry or shocked- or whatever other emotions he couldn’t identify. Alas, he was grateful that his clanmates forgave him for his brief lapse in judgement. He was still as quiet, and serious as ever though and gave off a chilling air so he did not make many friends- or any, up until Daybreak.

Daybreak was a similarly fierce warrior but in a completely different sense, with next to no regard for himself or others, but a battle prowess aided by his powerful thighs and barrels of energy intrigued Crimson. Eventually working his way up to asking him to spar, purely as a tactic to learn and better his own skills, with the intent to repay Daybreak for accepting- by whatever means Daybreak deemed appropriate compensation. However over time they’ve garnered an odd bond- though Crimson isn’t sure about Day’s stance on him, he would easily refer to him as a friend. Utterly oblivious and baffled by Day’s live-wire emotions and biting attitude they’ve somehow fit into a comfortable space they call friendship. Despite being almost complete opposites in every other sense.



  • He has tufted ears, and black whiskers.
  • His stripes are only on his legs, neck, and face.
  • His toes and neck are off-white.


His moral alignment is lawful good. He prides himself on his physical prowess. He is rarely ever still, if he is not actively being tasked with anything he will do menial duties. Almost never are the Thunderclan nests lacking in fluffiness.




Though Daybreak’s unruly temperament immediately clashes with Crimson’s severe one, they’ve managed to become friends. After tentatively asking Day to spar with him to keep himself in shape, the relationship has simply snowballed from there. And though Crimson’s affections are hard to tell from his usual behavior he is fond of Daybreak. More than willing and happy to regard him as his friend. Their relationship is a bit odd, both seeming to be utterly oblivious to and about each other but they manage to make it work. Crimson does feel rather fondly of him, though struggles when he’s around him; begot from a need to look respectable and also the desire to engage in more playful behaviors with him. He’s struggling to find the line that is acceptable for his role but doesn’t neglect Day’s playful nature. After a semi-recent fight they have aired some of their dirty laundry. Crimson’s continuing ineptitude when it comes to perceiving the needs of his friends has him struggling to recognize that he is worthy of friends. They reconciled but he still finds that they are treading a fine line, in which one counterpart feels he is not enough, and the other thinks he is too much. Crimson fears losing his only friend, but would understand why he would lose Daybreak.



He looks to her as a role model for what he should be trying to achieve, taking her advice seriously and often reflecting on how she handled the deputy role prior to his uptaking of it. He will recall prior situations she had handled and attempt to mimic them in the same fashion. He worries that he is not up to par with her. Silent’s care for her kits initially confused him; her neutrality reminded him of Buriedglory, and he found it hard to separate the two when it came to motherhood. Her attentiveness and very clear adoration for her kits has soothed a worry he didn’t know he’d been bearing, and he finds himself looking after her kits with a protective streak. As Silentstar has taken up her role he finds himself growing closer to her, and he cant reconcile with himself why that is. He often feels tense around authority- or whom he perceives as authority, out of a need to look like the model warrior, but that desire is waned in Silentstar’s presence. He feels a need to make her proud, but gets the impression that him talking and opening up is what makes her proud not his unerring subservience.

character 3


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