


1 year, 6 months ago



Behind every smile, there lies the shadow of a thousand secrets :)

Name Suyin Wu

Called Suyin

30+ content

gender Female

pronouns she/her

height 5'1

species human

role todds pawn/antagonist

HTML Pinky


Suyin is a double faced character, oscillating between the persona she presents to the world and her true self. One side is her charming facade, meticulously crafted for manipulation, and the other is her underlying ambition and envy-driven true nature. This division in her character stems from her upbringing and unwavering quest for power.

Charming / Empathetic / Helpful / Supportive / Subtle Manipulation / Innocent Demeanor

Suyin's sweet persona is a carefully crafted facade she presents to the world. Growing up in a rich family, she was taught to play the role of a lady from a young age. This upbringing instilled in her the ability to maintain a charming exterior. She appears friendly, empathetic, and helpful, often wearing a warm smile and offering a listening ear. Suyin uses her innocent and supportive demeanor to create trust and loyalty in others. She can be generous, subtly manipulate situations, and selectively portray vulnerability. This persona allows her to navigate social circles and manipulate individuals effectively.

Disguised Intentions / Ambitious / Envious / Calculating / Manipulative / Cold and Ruthless / Resilient

Behind the sweet facade lies Suyin's true self, driven by ambition and envy. Her family's disappointment with her gender fueled a deep-seated desire for power and recognition. Suyin is calculating, manipulative, and resourceful. She is willing to go to great lengths to achieve her goals, even if it means hurting others. Her determination and cunning nature make her a formidable force. As she grows older and more deeply entrenched in her pursuit of power, her sweet persona becomes increasingly at odds with her cold and ruthless true self. Suyin's complex character is marked by conflicting emotions and a relentless pursuit of control and influence.


Food content
Drink content
Color content
Animal content
Flower Camellia
Season content
Weather content
Time (of day)
Gemstone content
Tarot Queen of Swords


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious


Thing 1 • List something they like then give a small description about it/why they like it.

Thing 2 • List something they like then give a small description about it/why they like it.

Thing 3 • List something they like then give a small description about it/why they like it.


Her chest• She will be forever envious of other girls.

Thing 2 • List something they dislike then give a small description about it.

Thing 3 • List something they dislike then give a small description about it.


The Beginning

Suyin's character is marked by a dual nature. Born into a rich family, she faced discrimination due to her gender and further health, as it declined throughout the years. Hey family preyed on her petite stature and soft appearance, viewed her nothing more than a disappointment, and within time she was abandoned in the hospital. Clyde, who worked for the hospital owned by his influential family was the only one that she had to talk to. In her days of solitude, she found herself slowly being charmed by such a practical man like himself, for once in a while laughing and opening a real smile. It made her think that maybe she had finally found something that made her feel normal like other girls - a simple crush.


But her life took a dark turn when she encountered Todd, the archdemon of Envy. On a night of a blood-red moon, Todd appeared and offered to restore her health in exchange for doing his bidding. Suyin, desperate for a chance at power and recognition, agreed.

Later, she used her manipulation skills to target Clyde, thinking she could finally get him to herself and all that he had. She didn't care he had someone already; She would do everything to get what she wanted. Suyin charmed Clyde into cheating on his girlfriend, fooled everyone she could, and eventually marrying him, securing control over his family's wealth and name. Overtime since meeting Todd, it was clear that her initial feelings of affection for Clyde began to wane; At first, her emotions for Clyde were genuine, fueled by a connection that had developed during her stay at the hospital where he worked. However, Suyin's envy, driven by a lifetime of being denied the recognition and power she craved due to her gender, overshadowed her romantic feelings. She became increasingly fixated on what Clyde represented—a male heir with all the privileges she could never attain simply because she was born petite and female. The allure of power, control, and influence overrode any remnants of love she may have once felt.

This marked the beginning of Suyin's ruthless pursuit of power, driven by envy and ambition, with Todd's influence guiding her on a treacherous path.

The End

Suyin's world shattered when she discovered Clyde's lifeless body in the bathroom, a grim testament to a gruesome murder. It was his ex-girlfriend who had committed this heinous act, shattering the illusion of safety that had once surrounded Suyin and Clyde. She stared at the lifeless form of the man she had once manipulated, her emotions a turbulent whirlwind of regret and grief. Despite her manipulations, she couldn't escape the genuine sorrow that welled up within her. Clyde's demise, a consequence of her own actions, was not what she had intended. She found herself privately mourning his loss, acknowledging the heavy burden of guilt that now rested upon her. But then, as Suyin began to process the shocking turn of events, another twist unfolded. News arrived that Clyde's ex-girlfriend, the perpetrator of the murder, had been tragically struck by a car. She was gone, and with her, any chance for Suyin to exact her revenge. It was as if something had intervened to thwart Suyin's desire for retribution. In the midst of these tumultuous events, Suyin's feelings toward Todd, the archdemon responsible for Clyde's initial demise, were filled with unbridled hatred. She loathed Todd for his malevolent influence over her life and for the role he played in the tragedy. That smile in his face, like her life and her goals were all a play for him. This newfound hatred served as a driving force, fueling her determination to break free from his control. Unfortunately, she never did, and just like all toys that Todd played with, she broke not too long after, being later on murdered by the only man she ever loved, Clyde, now a undead monster under the control of Todd who had gone rogue and killed her and other humans upon seeing her in a underground bar.







Her first best friend, love, partner and husband. Sadly the truth is that, in Suyin's eyes, her relationship with Clyde was a strategic maneuver, a calculated path toward the power and wealth she coveted. Any initial emotions she may have felt for him were overshadowed by her unwavering pursuit of control and influence.



fake friendship

Suyin derived a perverse satisfaction from toying with Maria, Clyde's ex-girlfriend. She relished the challenge of making Maria question her own intuition and decisions, all while maintaining the facade of a supportive friend. It was a dark game for Suyin, one in which she reveled, using her manipulation skills to keep Maria off-balance and uncertain.




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