


1 year, 5 months ago


Name: Kasey
Age: 25
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Vibin'
Height/Weight: 5'9"/145 lbs
Demi-god or Legacy: Demi-god
Godly Parent: Apollo
Job: Mail delivery

Fatal Flaw: Compartmentalization - to avoid having to deal with the stress and trauma of his past abuse and trauma, he separates and buries what he's feeling to keep going and keep his positive attitude


STR: 6
DEF: 6
DEX: 10 (+2)
INT: 3
CON: 10
CHA: 5

Weapon: Wooden recurve bow (mist form: bracelet)

Key: Skate Tool

The 'Ole Razzle Dazzle: Can create a projection of light from his body. Undirected, the light will radiate in all directions. But with specific control can create a blinding flash used to stun opponents, short bursts of light that can effect opponents' equilibrium, a condensed beam that equals the intensity of sunlight that may burn, or a dispersed glow that obscures all in the surrounding area. Must absorb sunlight before using the ability. (Also has an unconscious glow when feeling intense emotions.)

Shriekin' Loud: Produces a high pitch sound that can either stun at a low intensity or break down walls at a high intensity

Tilt-a-whirl: Induces a disorienting illness to anyone in the immediate vicinity. Depending on his focus will determine how intense the symptoms become.


Kasey is full of energy, constantly needing to be on the move or doing something. Over the years he's picked up a lot of sports to use up this overflowing energy, which has made him quite athletic and coordinated. Sometimes he's a little overwhelming with his energetic nature. Kasey is also a very creative spirit. Along with a passion for music and painting, he also loves customizing his decks. He's someone who is easy to get along with, kind and sweet to all. He stays true to himself and his word, though he can come off a little strong or rude in his frank manner of speaking. Kasey is also nearly impossible to sway once he has his mind set on something. He can be quite impulsive, rarely taking the time to think about the consequences of his words or actions. There are no thoughts going on in that little head of his. He just goes along with the first thought he has. Being such an honest fellow, he looks for the same honesty in others. But that leads to him being quite gullible at times. He's always looking for the best in others. 

+ anything with wheels
+ basketball
+ amusement parks
+ Tech Decks!!!!
+ fluffy animals, small or large~

- staying still
- getting lost  
- broccoli
- anything reptilian

History: His mother thought she had it finally figured out. Years of schooling, a miserable internship that finally led to a department management position, and finally earning enough to buy her dream home. And had many suitors as well! Finally she was living her best life. But after spending some time with a stunning young man who looked like sunlight and one long night, everything was turned upside down. Suddenly she was with child. All of her suitors dried up and she found it difficult to balance her work schedule with a baby. Luckily she found a good looking man with a steady job that was willing to marry her. A marriage of convenience but it worked. Now she could focus on her job without having to worry about the child.

Kasey rarely saw his mother growing up, always too busy to spend time with her son. His stepdad was very distant with him, bordering cruel. His only real companion was his younger sister, though his stepdad always tried to drive a wedge between them. He couldn't understand why his sister was always treated differently from him. Slowly this distance became the norm. He slipped in his school work and tended to get in trouble with his teachers for his inability to focus and sit still. It only lead to punishment and isolation at home. So Kasey found himself sneaking out of the house to adventure out on his own. At the age of 10, he would roam the streets and make friends with the kids at the local parks. That was where he learned his love for skateboarding. He excelled at it and he finally felt like he belonged. Eventually Kasey was given an old board by one of the teens. When he came home with it, his stepdad had assumed he had stolen it and took the board away from him. Kasey dug through the trash just to retrieve the precious gift. After that he was out every day until dark practicing his boarding, sometimes bringing his sister out with him. One night they returned late and his sister had gotten hurt trying to skate and his stepdad lost it. As he was being beaten, his powers suddenly kicked in. Both stepdad and sister fell sick and dropped to the ground. They were taken to the hospital where later his mother showed up. He expected her to be angry or worried....any kind of reaction. But instead she barely spared him a glance. It was like he didn't even exist. After the incident, Kasey felt even more isolated.

It wasn't until later that year that a saytr showed up at their home and he found out why strange things had started happening with him. He was actually a demigod! Whatever that meant! And there was a camp for others like him! Kasey was excited and asked his mother to go. She was left speechless but didn't seem all that surprised. He never heard from her if she knew about his father before. His mother and stepdad ended up arguing about what to do with him after that. Was he going to be able to go or did they not want to waste the time to send him off? But sure enough, he was taken across country to attend camp for the summer. It ended up being the best time of his life. Kasey got to learn so much more about himself and what he was capable of, his attention issues and energy levels remedied as he learned about his heritage and how to become a warrior. And then he met so many people with shared experiences...as well as some siblings! Kasey had never been happier than when he officially met Loren and Rory. He always wished he had older siblings and was not disappointed when he finally had some. 

His first summer came and went and he couldn't wait for the following year~ But his second year, Kasey didn't have anyone to accompany him to camp. His mother was too busy and his stepdad couldn't be bothered. But it didn't matter to him! He was finally with his friends and family again. His third year was very different though. His stepdad had insisted on taking him this time. Kasey, innocent and trusting, was happy to have company this time. But something did feel a little off. If it was some budding prophecy abilities or not, he couldn't tell. But he listened to that feeling and left his sister a note telling her how much he loved her and would miss her while he was gone. Back at camp, he finally went on his first quest! With Nico and Kylo, the three were asked by Aphrodite to retrieve Eros's missing arrows. Seemed simple enough but they found themselves in a pickle anyway. Kasey used some of the arrows to fight off the monster that chased after them, his aim true each time. At the end of their quest, Apollo finally placed his claim over him. Finally he could stay with his siblings~ The summer came to an end, but no one came to pick Kasey up. Apparently after his stepdad dropped him off, he told his mother that the camp counsellors had told him they wanted to keep Kasey. So like that he had been left behind. 

Over the years, Kasey made many friends. One of his closest friends was a son of Iris, Zayd. The two of them met in their second year and were almost inseparable after. They had a certain closeness with each other that Kasey didn't really have with the others. Zayd knew what he meant without saying a word and was always there when his positive facade started to slip. Kasey didn't know how to describe his feelings for the other but knew that Zayd meant everything to him. In their sixth year, the pair went on a quest together. It was supposed to be simple, get some needed materials and head home. What they didn't know was that it was being protected by a drakon. They were at a disadvantage as Zayd was not a fighter. Kasey did everything he could to protect them, even putting his own body on the line. But it wasn't enough. The two escaped but Zayd died from his injuries and Kasey was close to losing his own life too when help finally arrived. He was very quiet the week following Zayd's death. But he didn't stay down for long. Kasey was back to chatting and training, maybe a little too soon. He never talked about the incident after.

Once he was 18, he was off into the world. Kasey went back to Cali, in hopes of seeing his family. But they had moved some time ago. He decided to stay around though, just in case he'd hear something from them. He worked odd jobs and did a lot of street art to make money. But he was never really tied down. So when he would get bored, Kasey would move to a new town. He stayed in contact with Rory, sending her pics of the places he went and some of the cool art he saw. That was how he ended up hearing about Little Olympia. Kasey liked the idea of being around the demigods again and seeing his sister more often. So he picked up everything and moved to town. He only lived on the island for a handful of months before deciding to take a long trip to visit all of the best skate spots around the US and Europe. He's only recently come back from his trip, happy to see how many more friends and family he has on the island~

Extra Notes:
- his first year of camp was the summer he turned 12
- still has his first board, it's tucked away in the back of his closet