


1 year, 6 months ago


Species: Pink Dart frog
Gender: Male
Age: 24
DOB: May 10
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height/Weight: 5'10" - 145lbs

Venus is the type of person you would meet and start a friendly conversation with, only for it to end up with you sitting on the sidewalk four hours later listening to him rant about the state of the world and simultaneously convincing you why it should be legal for fast food workers to taze one person per year free of consequence. He is not poisonous to the touch like a typical dart frog, call it a genetic defect, but is still poisonous if in contact with eyes, mouth, or nose, and can absorb into the skin if left on too long but this will be a mild case of poisoning. Hug him if you wish, just don't lick him...mostly because that's weird but also because you'll die

- adrenaline O    -    O

- can hold his breath for six whole hours
- CANNOT be in salt water, it sucks the water out of his body because that's how amphibians be

- secretly a little buff in the torso and legs

- fab

- he sweats poison and sells the bottles to shady people, because that's where the money comes from!

- HATES snakes with a burning passion, and is also bloody terrified of them on top of that

- secretly would probably burst into tears if he was genuinely hugged