Fridge Synapsid



1 year, 4 months ago


November-something '22. I was talking with my Mother about synapsids for some reason and trying to explain to her that they're the most basic "animal" looking animal ever. But I didn't think my description was doing them credit, so I doodled one from memory! I was going for lisowicia bojaniΒ so... not too bad : ) Like the next day, the garbage disposal "broke". Mom wrote a note on the board to not use it. Later, Bud happened upon it and the doodle and thought I wrote something cutesy on the board with an animal (I used to every month). He then joked to me about how he thought it was supposed an "inspirational message" from the quote unquote capybara until he got closer and saw that they were separate things. I thought it was funny so I went out there and drew a speech bubble around the warning, making it look like the Fridge Synapsid was saying it. Shortly thereafter, the disposal was fixed and it felt only appropriate to update synapsid with the relevant information! He has since had several different tooltips added by different people

🌲 (Mom) Don't use the garbage disposal. It's broken.
🐞 (Me) The disposal is working.
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Currency can be exchanged for goods and services
🐞 (Me) Food can be eaten to restore HP
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Beds can be used to sleep through the night
πŸ₯ (Al)Β Salt can improve food's quality
🐞 (Me) It's hard to overstate my satisfaction [Kodah drew a filled in heart on Synapsid's shoulder]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah)Β I'm so full of URANIUM-235 [He drew a shining uranium rod in the synapsid's belly and a radioactive symbol on its hip]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I'm so full of THORIUM β™‘ [He redrew the rod, but it looks almost exactly the same,, The radioactive symbol says "-ish" after it]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I'm so full of CARCINOGENS [He drew a little cigarette floating by the synapid's mouth (as to not smudge the lines)]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I'm so full of STYROFOAM! [He drew little packing peanuts and three larger cubes of styrofoam inside Synapsid]
🐞 (Me) I'm so full of PUZZLES [I drew 2 puzzle pieces, a rubkic's cube and some dislodged slide puzzle squares inside He]
🐞 (Me) Imma change the season [There's a storm cloud snowing on him]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [The "season" is changed to rain clouds]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [The "season" is changed to occasional loose clouds, one of which has small, round eyes placed on either side of a long, squiggly :s mouth]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [The "season" is removed and replaced with a note that says "The sky is blue cause I say so"]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Imma change the reason. I think therefore I am
πŸ₯œ (Kodah)Β Imma start fishing [The Synapsid is equipped with a fishing rod and a fisherman's hat with hooks in it. There's a small background added, putting the rod in the water. There are hills in the background and the sun is shining]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Imma start singing [He is given a mic and music notes float in the background. He's standing on a round stage with a big, square speaker]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah)Β Imma start ringing [The Synapsid has a little bell in its paw that he's shaking to ring]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Imma start bringing. Bringing in the harvest, that is [Synapsid has a long scythe in his paws]
🐞 (Me) Imma start pinging (the homies) [He has a little phone next to him with three "1" notifications. There are small floating hearts around the phone]
🐞 (Me) Imma start shaving Monkey bald [He's equipped with a little electric razor. Monkey's butt and tail flee the scene, stage right]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [He adds a "bzzzzzzzz" going across the board. Monkey, now post-shaving has his tail changed into his ""lion cut"" one]
🐞 (Me) [After another shaving, tufts of fur are added to the ground]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Imma start diving [Synapsid is underwater with an O2 tank on his back. A tube leads from it to his mouth. A small ocean floor background is drawn around him]
🐞 (Me) Imma start kniving [Sic, supposed to be "conniving". Synapdis has angry eyebrows and a cartoon villain mustache. In front of him is a set of train tracks to which a stick figure damsel is tied (helpfully labeled "damsel"]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [Adds a little shocked face that says "omg, he kniving". Also gives the synapsid a top hap (which I actually meant to do, but forgot, lol)]
🐞 (Me) Imma start surviving [Synapsid's eyes are replaced with shades. He's given hiking boots and a big backpack with a hanging pot and sleeping bag. There's a big jar labelled "SPF" in front of him. Grass and a path are drawn around him]
🐞 (Me) Imma start thriving [The synapsid is changed into a sitting position. He's placed on a folding beach chair along a shoreline with palm trees and a sunset]
🐞 (Me) Imma start striving [There are stacks of papers and notebooks on the ground. A paper is in front of Synapsid and there's a little pencil scribbling back and forth as he works. There's a desk in the background with more papers on it]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [Adds a little note that says "good for him"]

πŸš“ The Law Era
πŸ₯ (Al)Β Imma start ropin [A large, silly horse is drawn under Synapsid. He's given a lasso that he spins over his head. His shades are removed]
πŸ₯ (Al) Imma rob a tomb [Synapsid is dressed like Indiana Jones, complete with hat, shirt, pants, and whip. There's a boulder off in the distance rolling towards him. Note that he's been totally redrawn standing from Al's memory, which includes giving him ears and a round, bear-like tail]
πŸ₯ (Al) Imma rob a combΒ [Synapsid is dressed like a beekeeper, but his mask is of the medieval variety. He's standing near bee boxes]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [Adds a large angry bee pointing its butt towards Synapsid's tail, going in for the sting. The bee has a cop hat on]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [Adds a small police car beneath Synapsid being driven by another large, angry bee. The side of the car says "LABD"]
πŸ₯ (Al) I'm going to the yard [Synapdis is wearing a prisoner jumpsuit, as he's been arrested. His jumpsuit number is "28"]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) [Changes the jumpsuit number to "420"]
🐞 (Me) [Changes the jumpsuit number to "83"]
πŸ₯ (Al) [Changes the jumpsuit number to "80085"]
πŸ₯ (Al) I'm getting my sentence appealed [Synapsid is redrawn with a suit, jeans, and a tie. The tie drags on the ground. His tail is now pointy again]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I got my sentence appealed [Synapsid is updated with a big smile!]
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I got a 3D printer
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) I enjoy the 3D printer
πŸ₯œ (Kodah) Illegals in my yard, illegals in my yard, throw them some pesos and they work so hard [An arrow points to Synapsid with a note that says "supports local businesses"]
He/him, we stan a king
[Ranting about special interest] Hasn't paid taxes since 2016 (living his best life)
Hasn't paid the cheese tax since 2016 (CRIMINAL)
"This is fine" Being investigated by the IRS
πŸ₯ (Al) "Ahh, sand between my toes" Fled from the IRS. He's on extended vacation
πŸ₯ (Al) "The ice creams are open"
"I keep on hopin we'll eat cake by the ocean"
"Hold me closer, tiny dancer"