Abhoro the Cautious WIP



Quick notes: Son of the former "The Cult of Malefor" cult members Cadaver the Grudge and Adrasteia the Inescapable, Abhoro the Cautious was a bastard child after a night of unbridled heat and belonging. Adra fled without the egg, ashamed that she laid such an "monstrousity" (a Fear/Fire babe), so Cadaver raised Abhoro by himself, with the help of Cotter and his family. Abhoro became a talker and a thinker, always talking out of fights, but thanks to "Uncle Cotter", he knew how to use his Fear element to it's fullest. One day, Axel the Screwy was having a mental break down and nearly killed someone, so Abhoro used his Fear breath to subdue him, which worked, gaining the attention of Horā the Merciless. She wondered how strong his Fear breath was, so without warning she attacked him with her own Fear Breath, which he dodged and attacked back at full blast, which even affected her. She was shocked, asking "How did you do that?!" "My Uncle Cotter taught me." "Cotter?! THE Cotter?! Cotter The Brave?!" "The one and the same." Suddenly, she got very friendly and flirty, which worked on him. Finally he's getting the female attention he's been craving all his life...too bad he's in for a rude awakening when Kyoufu comes into the picture.