


6 years, 3 months ago


Other Names: Vi (nickname)

Species: Mr. Mime

Birthday: December 23

Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Occupation: Babysitter, birthday party clown

Physical Description 

  • Very smol and dainty
  • Usually dressed like a maid
  • Everything is pink, all the time
  • Honestly looks a little like a doll


  • Relaxed by nature
  • Proud of the connection she makes with the kids she keeps an eye on
  • Has a real Mary Poppins vibe
  • The team mom of all the performers
    • They come to her for advice about everything - currently, she's preparing a response so she'll be ready when Bugsy eventually comes to her wondering what to do about his completely obvious feelings for Barney


  • Musicals, especially silly, happy ones
  • Old comedies ("old" as in "before color film" old)
  • Carnivals, fairs, circuses, and everything of a similar sort
  • Whenever the kids she used to babysit come back to visit and talk to her
  • A healthy amount of silliness, with the caveat that you know when to be serious


  • Stick-in-the-mud parents and bossy children
  • On the flip side, kids who just literally won't calm down and be serious for a bit
  • Messes, and the combination of poor decisions and accidents that make them

Brief Backstory 

  • Took care of the whole circus troupe - that's Barney, Bugsy, Dale, Hellion, Ned, and Ollie - before they made it big
  • She introduced them to the wonder and whimsy of the circus, and once they were there they couldn't go back

Date of Creation / Adoption: Caught December 23, 2018

Other Notes: On my Ultra Moon team, she was the first to completely evolve, and thus carried the team through pretty much the entire first island.  I eventually had to box her, which was a sad decision to make, but the other kiddos had caught up to her, and she'd done her babysitter job well.