Aurania II



1 year, 5 months ago


The 2nd Aurania is an Aquarius, born in February. She live in Aithali Dasos, Zeta (living alongside her cousin Andania the first). She is a bit of a couch potato but her views and opinions can get her quite hot tempered. She loves to wear summer clothing (the joy of being a peppermint). She works as a motivational speaker (there is still unrest with flavors and all. She advocates for peace above all!) but one day she wants to live in the mountains (though she isn't too far from them anyway!). She loves to listen to hard rock music and they dance dance revolution in their free time (mostly to rid of stress of the job). Ironically that last bit made her curious on Canberra's dance trope and she never wants to miss ANY of her shows! It's to this end that during one of her speeches in beta, away from the war that the spirits found her and changed her. Now she stands as an Eta and now kinda wants to know how good the stars look there... oops. XD