Mr. Bister



6 years, 3 months ago



Mr. Bister is a Corporatron that works for Comp_A_Ton Manufacturing, acting as the standing Vice President.  He shares similar views regarding employee value and profit opportunities with his boss, Michael "Mikey" Coyl.  He was promoted to Vice President after FOC rule was passed, and relishes his newfound freedom in the corporate workspace.

Mr. Bister is only slightly nicer than Mikey, as being Vice President means he spends a tad bit more time with the employees.  The only reason some humans manage to stay employed in the company after the passing of the FOC rule was due to Mr. Bister's advice, which was to have the company keep the appearance of a 'mixed' workspace (employs a good number of humans and machines).  At the same time, he has no problem charging the minimum required amount for the workers, a sentiment he shares with Mikey.


Mikey - The one supervisor to Mr. Bister.  These two assholes are actual-sorta-somehow friends, and love to grab drinks after work.

Brett Brarington - Human that Bister supervises.  Due to Brett being the company's head of human resources, Mr. Bister generously elected not to fire her, and instead had her transferred to their division in Circity.