Kagami and Asami



6 years, 3 months ago



age: 17

the boy, the one on the left with long hair

name: Kagami (means mirror)

gender: male

sexuality: bisexual

personality: Kagami is quite vain, although he doesn't allow his vanity to get in the way of appreciating other's beauty as well. He is quite cheerful generally speaking, and likes to wear a soft smile all the time. hes also a wuss.

likes: make-up, pretty clothes, flowers, sunlight

dislikes: mud/dirt, d i c k b a g s, gender stereotypes, getting in fights

the girl, the one on the right with short hair

name: Asami (morning beauty)
gender: female
sexuality: aro/ace
personality: She’s pretty brash and can easily rub others the wrong way, since she’s an extrovert with the attitude of an antisocial hermit, but she ultimately means well and enjoys seeing others happy. If she thinks that she knows the best way to get something done, well... it takes quite a bit of talking her down to get her to not do the thing, and that’s on the off-chance you catch her before she dives head-first into the action. She personally cares very little about appearance, but always indulges her brother by wearing whatever matching outfit he picks out for the day.
likes: mud/dirt, gardening, getting in fights, any form of hand-to-hand combat she can learn, messing with her brother
dislikes: make-up, flowers (“they’re the most useless plant, kagami, seriously”), gender stereotypes, other people who mess with her brother