TH Purge!'s Comments

Quick question, the way you have your priorties is a bit confusing. Do you prefer adoots or customs. I really want this guy

I'm not sure what to offer for them

My bad! I edited it to make it clearer, but I do prefer customs over pre-made characters/adopts~

Could I do a flat color full body for him? Or would you want a little more?

That would be awesome! Could you draw him please? Kairos currently has black hair though, I just didn't update his gallery yet. And also, you may hide his tattoos with black clothing if it's easier, that's totally okay! 

Damn he's so cool, I love drawing demons/monsters. What time frame do I have?

Thank you! ^^ I can hold Lazarus for like, a month maybe? No rush tbh

2 Replies