
1 year, 6 months ago


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Name Kyrie
Called Kyrie
Age --
Pronouns He/him
Height 5'6
Build Elegant
Species Phuzo
Stock Luxury
Role Artist
Demeanor Thoughtful
Masterlist OFF-103


  • art
  • dawn & dusk
  • books
  • honesty


  • his family
  • nightmares
  • doctors
  • lying



Prophet's Sight

Kyrie's nights are plagued with nightmares in which he sees flashes of the future and things he could never know on his own. His sleep is troubled, but he uses the dreams as inspiration for his art, across multiple mediums: his work is often dark, but has an undeniable honesty about the way the world is. Kyrie often hides his future sight; some people believe he is not truly peering into the future, and that instead his imagination is overactive. Kyrie himself believes in it strongly.


Growing up in a wealthy family, Kyrie was taught the art of getting others to do what he wants early on. In his society, nobody is honest: it's all veiled promises and favors and lies, and Kyrie is comfortable in that world and good at participating in it. He hates it, and much prefers spaces where he can be honest about himself, but this is the world he was raised in.


Kyrie is an artist with prophet's sight: an ability that allows him to peer into the future and catch glimpses of things he would never otherwise know. This ability informs his art: he makes beautiful things in every medium possible to try to get these visions out of his head and into the world. His nights are haunted by persistent nightmares, but poor sleep is his price for endless subjects to paint.

He was raised in a wealthy lux family and never wanted for anything, but when his prophet's sight began to develop, his parents disapproved. It did not seem to them like a special talent to them: it seemed like the early signs of mental illness, and while it was fine in their eyes for their child to pursue his dream of being an artist, they could not allow him to make the family look bad by being publicly mentally ill. They threatened to cut Kyrie off from the family money if he wouldn't seek treatment for it, and Kyrie refused. He is estranged from his family, and has no connection to their money any longer.

Before Faust

Kyrie grew up knowing that he would not be expected to take over the family business, a massively successful tech conglomerate, because he already had an older sibling who had that role promised to her. Instead, he was allowed to pursue his passions: these included music, literature, and art. While he did not stick with all of them for a particularly long time, he always came back around to art. He went to school for it, learned how to work with many different mediums, and managed to make a name for himself in the city as a successful artist, making slightly morbid pieces.

Kyrie didn't tell anyone for a long time that his work was inspired by visions of the future that came to him in nightmares. When he did, his caution proved warranted: that rumor circulated back to his parents, who became concerned for his health. They sent him to doctor after doctor, despite Kyrie's protests, and when none of the mainstream professionals could offer a cure for Kyrie's sight his parents eventually found a doctor who specialized in unusual, untreatable illnesses.

After Faust

Kyrie was reluctant to go see this new doctor. After years of pursuing "treatment," he was certain he didn't need or want a cure. But his parents threatened to cut him off if he didn't go: they couldn't have him besmirching the family name. So he went, resolving to cooperate the barest amount so that he wouldn't be disowned, but he also wouldn't be "cured." The doctor was named Faust.

Before Kyrie's first meeting with Faust, he had another dream: a single phuzo in an indistinct dreamscape, a mask on their face and hands covered in blood. He was shocked to find that the phuzo from his dream was the doctor who he was meeting with. Faust did wear a mask, but his hands were not covered in blood: he had red markings on his hands and forearms. Faust was attentive to what little Kyrie divulged about his ability, but Kyrie began by keeping his cards close to his chest. It wasn't until several appointments in that Kyrie began to open up to Faust about the prophet's sight, and how badly he wanted to keep it.

Faust supported Kyrie's choice to keep the sight, but they continued to have appointments to keep up the facade. It couldn't last forever: Kyrie's parents caught on eventually, and once again threatened to disown Kyrie. This time, though, Kyrie felt confident that he was making the correct choice. He refused to continue treatment, and with that he lost everything: the apartment his parents were paying for, the funds to buy art supplies with, and any semblance of familial support. It was worth it.

Moving In

Faust had never operated above-board; he was a doctor solely seen by the desperate. So he had no qualms against inviting Kyrie to move in with him, and Kyrie left his parents' fortune behind to live in Faust's old mansion. The two of them became friends in this time: seeing Faust outside of his more professional capacity taught Kyrie that he was an incredibly focused, intelligent person, with uncommon kindness. Most importantly, Faust supported Kyrie's choice to keep his sight and to keep making art with it. He provided Kyrie with a place to live and supplies to continue making art with.



Faust [ friend, roommate, fake partner ]

Once Kyrie's doctor, Faust is now Kyrie's friend. The two of them live in Faust's mansion together, and due to a misunderstanding they pretend to be sweethearts in public and around Faust's grandfather. There is a lot of trust between the two of them.


Caleb [ sibling ]

Kyrie's older sibling, meant to inherit the family business. The two of them do not have a good relationship: Caleb is too comfortable with casual cruelty, and always saw herself as better than Kyrie because Kyrie went into art instead of business.


Arkady [ acquaintance ]

Another friend of Faust's, Arkady is the shady type of person that Kyrie hasn't interacted very much with in his life. They mostly only know of each other in passing, though Kyrie has had some visions in which Arkady features...

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