


6 years, 1 month ago



Former Prince of Heaven
Lord of Cherubim
Fallen Angel


• His fall effected every realm irreparably.
• Has always been frustrated that none but his brother matched his power.
• Is fond of taking smaller pretty forms
• Insatiable curiousity which can effect his judgement
• Whole body is highly flexible


Gabriel was born into existance from the Great Tree of Life alongside his brother Michael. The tree is the foundation upon which all of Heaven sits with his roots reaching out to create the space between worlds that Angels can tranverse. This made Gabriel the first of all Cherubim the Angels that would protect and mend the tears in the realms webbing.

Gabriel enjoyed his work and as a host kept an eye on courtships as a part of his craved a mate and a clutch of eggs. Many many years would leave this urge unsatisfied while his brother would find a mate and have numerous clutches. This led to a grow dissatisfaction and bitterness in regards to Heaven and his brother. Eager for fights to vent these frustrations Gabriel encountered Lucifer who broke onto the mortal realm and enjoyed a hard fight.

Most shocking for Gabriel was that despite his edge in experience over the demon Lucifer proved to be an equal challenger, able to match Gabriel's strength. Venting soon turned to curiosity that slowly changed to something more as Gabriel grew fond of the demon and came to accept him as his mate.

However Gabriel could not carry the eggs of their union as his angelic body and return to Heaven destroyed the demonic energy in them. This proved to be the last of what Gabriel could handle and his animosity towards Heaven reached its climax with his decision to fall and join his mate in Hell.

The Fall of Gabriel tore opened an irreparable rift in the three realms flooding the middle mortal realm with Angelic and Demonic energy changing the landscape and its inhabitants.




Partner • song
Gabriel always craved to find an equal to make his mate and he had to look outside of Heaven to find Lucifer. Although their first meetings resulted in violence Gabriel came to respect their equal power and slowly he and Lucifer grew closer. It was his love for Lucifer that led him to fall and change the way the realms had always worked.


Gabriel and Michael came into existance at the same time born of the Great Tree they were brothers and princes of Heaven only finding equals in each other. Gabriel is both protective and fond of his brother but harbored a secret discontent that Michael seemed to get all he desired where Gabriel struggled. Gabriel's fall only further heightened their growing hostility.


Child • song
After countless failed attempts at clutches and children Apollyon is the first of Lucifer and Gabriel's children to survive and so means a huge deal to Gabriel. He loves their child dearly and was willing to give his life if it meant Apollyon would be strong.