MOUSESTEP's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CHRONLCAL Global Rules

i don't have a proper tos even ready; just ask if you have questions!! orz


  • you can freely edit/change the design in any way (species, markings, gender, palette, etc)
  • you can edit my art of the character design (i.e. hue shift, adding markings/accessories, etc.); while my credit of the original work should stay, you are welcome to add yourself for edit credits!


  • not an actual rule but a nitpick: if reselling (without additional art), i would highly prefer that the reselling price was no more than the initial brought price.... i will be okay with a 50% max increase though.
  • if the character has extra art, YES you can ignore this and go with the character's worth.
co-ownerships of my designs are okay as long as there is ONE profile for the character, no multiples.  i won't handle future ownership disputes concerning this should the users have a negative fallout.

last updated: 18/01/2023