Kuri Bluford



1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Kuri Bluford

Nicknames/Aliases: Painful

Species: Pangolin

Age: 19

Birthday: November 5th

Gender: Male

Height: 130cm

Birthplace: Somewhere in Efrika

Current Residence: Glanz City, Almany, Eurish

Favorite Food: Milk (it strengthens the bones), Meat

Voice: Kenichi Suzumura

Affiliations: Cherry Blossom Hunters

Likes: Women, working out, fighting, showing off

Dislikes: Being rejected by women, people calling him painful


Bluford is a very carefree person that prefers fooling around to actually having responsibilities. He likes to keep things lighthearted and doesn't like when the mood goes sour. He's also very confident and a bit of a showoff, always taking opportunities to look "cool" in front of others or otherwise showing off how strong he is. However, much to his chagrin, most of these attempts fall flat, and are referred to as "painful" by other people.

Despite his laidback demeanor, he very easily falls for any pretty woman he comes across, and will stop anything he's doing to flirt and swoon over them, whether they are friends or foes. Unfortunately for him, all of his attempts end in rejection.

Despite his narcissistic personality and eagerness to get a date, he is very kind at heart; he is very hard to genuinely anger and doesn't hold grudges, and very much acts like a big brother to his companions.

Abilities and Powers

While he has yet to develop any kind of Mana, he makes up for it with his humongous physical strength; he is able to shatter stone with just a punch, and can go toe to toe with opponents such as Mana users and even big robots. He is not the most graceful of fighters, preferring to go ham with his fists, which is effective, but can leave him at a disadvantage with certain opponents.

In addition, the plates covering his body let him curl into a ball for various uses, either as a defense against attacks or as an offense by using an Spin Dash or Spin Attack.


Bluford was born somewhere in Efrika and moved to Almany when he was a teenager. He has  been living there with his roommate since, at some point joining the Cherry Blossom Hunters, training so one day he can become the strongest  man in the world.