Rosa Miguela Espinoza Cortez


Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Rosa Miguela Espinoza Cortez "Miguel" "Rosa" | Pronouns: she/her | Age Range: ?? | Orientation: lesbian

Rosa often goes by the name Miguel, as she's often seen as masc and it's useful to go along with that. She's got a small frame, and she's rather short, but because of stereotypes no one questions why "he" would be a smaller "man." She grew up poor, though her father was originally from a well-off family but left because of abuse and had to make his own way. Her parents were very loving, and her three siblings were too, but now the only family she has alive are her mother and a very small neice whom she often sends money too that she's earned or stolen during her various illegal exploits with her partner Clem.

Her mother, her niece, and Clem are the only people who refer to her as Rosa-- and even her wanted signs say "Miguel" on them. She's often seen as the innocent/docile one in comparison to Clem and is often more trusted (it helps that she's a rather smooth talker) and often read as intelligent-- but she has/will in a heartbeat play dumb if it can get her out of a bad situation.