


1 year, 9 months ago


Name: Unknown

Alias: Kobra

Gender: Male

Age: ?? Looks to be around the same age as Andrew and Cassidy. 

Occupation: Villain

Organization: The Coffin Gang

Powers: None

Personality: Witty and playful, but still serious the whole time. Kobra does seem to enjoy his job, or at least the rush of adrenaline thievery gives him. On the other hand, he's prone to outbursts when things don't go his way. He's very quick to think and act, with a tactical knack that rivals Bunii's.

Background: Kobra is highly skilled at combat and athletics. He and Frogman have a bit of a rivalry. Frogman starts out weaker, of course, but they start to become more and more matched as they have more conflicts. Kobra is a somewhat mysterious character to Frogman, even though they frequently chatter with each other during their battles, much to the chagrin of their superiors. A lot of the mystery around Kobra is the question of who his employer is. The only insight openly available to the heroes is the coffin shaped pin that Kobra wears, or whatever info they can glean from his mid-battle discussions. Although, Kobra never gives out trustworthy info, and he'll usually tell blatant lies for the fun of it. He doesn't seem entirely fond of his employer, however, but he goes to great lengths to get the job done. Kobra also has sharp "claws" and a fake crown in his wardrobe. Kobra tends to be more serious during his fights with Frogman when he has his claws. Frogman, having a general disliking to sharp and needle-like objects, tends to panic during these interactions.

Likes: Chatting with Frogman (it's a nice change of pace), getting a big haul, using dirty tactics, and generally messing with Frogman and the rest of the heroes (mostly Frogman).

Dislikes: His boss, failing a heist, and messing up his hoodie.

He has a playlist 👉👈
