


1 year, 9 months ago



the sun is smiling on me

my darling, don't you think us having two hearts is too intense?

contained . gentle . saccharine

EROS never thought she would be an agent of the star so soon into her life. Quiet and patient, never speaking out of turn, if you didn't know who to look for you may not be able to spot her out of a crowd. Sweet in such a way that it could almost make you sick, she is well versed in stretching truths and bending reality into beautiful little lies. Ironic, considering her name.

Passionate despite her contained personality, her beliefs are held on her sleeve. Never once wavering from them, almost stubbornly so. Loving, gentle, caring, she's happy to take care of those who can't take care of themselves.

|| ||

it hurts to remember .

{ 'unbleeders' }

a heart for every person . . .
that's not the way it works, right?
one keeps on beating, therefore ,
the other one gets the knife !

heart gets the knife - ferry




cis fem














@ grappucino | $35


holy child, split at the core !

chapter o n e . stiches neat and clean

A young girl from a wealthy family, █████ ██████ was born into a life many could only dream of. A gentle, careful soul, she never spoke out of turn. █████ was the perfect child. A loved child, a loving family, a loving home, a loving world. It was so easy for her life to be so so perfect, many assumed it would be so.

█████ found comfort in star. We were all made of star dust, afterall. She found a connection with it. Claimed she could hear it when no one else could. Whispered to it at night as if they were friends. It couldn't hear her, no matter what she whispered. We are all made of stardust, she wasn't special to the star.

█████ couldn't remember a time without the star's presence. It came for a reason, she decided. Just like her mother had said when she asked of the world's many wonders, or natural disasters, or crimes. From a very young age, she had grown fascinated by the existence of the star. Then, as years passed, unbleeders as well. If everything happens for a reason, she wouldn't question how one would breathe after their heart stopped.

chapter t w o . making up metaphors

█████ was an unruly teenager.

Lying became as simple as breathing for the young girl, as often becomes the case. It was as easy to her as sleeping or eating. The girl was a fantastic liar. Lying, lying, lying- that was what █████ was known for. Once a bright future become muddied with half truths and promises she'd never keep.

It wasn't as though she meant to lie throughout her adolescense. It was just easier for her than the truth. People would smile more when she twisted things, when she made the world seem just a little bit lighter. █████ was a young girl from a wealthy family, for what reason would she have to lie?

The only pretty lie █████ couldn't was stomach was ' i love you ' - those words consumed her every waking moment. Who would lie about such a thing? How dare someone lie about such a thing? She couldn't stomach it, or more like, she refused to stomach it.

chapter t h r e e . cast off this pretty disguise

A young girl from a wealthy family is what she was.

█████ ached to be alone, to be away from her family. She wanted to scream, laugh, act out. She wanted to sing until her throat hurt and run until her legs ached. Things that her family would expressly forbid. Things that would make █████ lose her 'worth.' She was ready to run.

When a star like the Sun dies, it casts its outer layers into space, leaving its hot, dense core to cool over eons and eons of empty space. But some other types of stars expire with titanic explosions, called supernovae, leaving behind something greater. A once loved child, with a one loving family, in a once loving home - it was so easy to destroy the perfect life built for her. Many assumed █████ would.

What she wished for more than to be loved, was to become greater than what she was.

Something a pretty ring could never provide.

chapter f o u r . it hurts ( does it not ) to remember.

Now that her heart beats again, she had forgotton much of what happened. Friends, family, and those who look at her with familiarity are all distant memories. Though now the sun smiles upon her, and she can hear the star, and everything is alright once again.

█████ never existed. That little girl who dreamed of supernovas was nothing more than a memory.

They were closer to the star more than before, and it was comforting. She was it's angel, she was it's best friend, the star would finally respond. Perhaps indirectly, but she was sure that it loved her as much as she loved it. It wouldn't lie to her. It wouldn't pretend to love her. There was a reason it must have fell.

But don't angels fall as well...?

█████ ██████████ █████ ███████████████ █████ ███████████████ ██████.








rose quartz


pink delight


3 of swords


  • a 'jane doe' case ; she has no memory of her past. she refuses to hear about it if presented with possible information or revelations.
  • she's hard of hearing and has a cochlear implant, she will turn it off if someone is annoying her.
  • she chose her name herself, it means 'truth' - please do not refer to her as 'jane' or 'miss doe'.

art by @ grappucino

Design Notes

  • her pupil is yellow and shaped like a diamond (species trait) - so please keep that in!
  • the wings on her back are fake & connected to the harness/corset she wears - so they are optional.
  • prefers "cuter" clothes - usually clothes with ribbons, frills, and lots of pink and blue.

Character Name

Character Name

Character Name
