


1 year, 6 months ago


A warrior of unsurpassed skill and ferocity among the jǫrmunalfr, and one of the mightiest amid the celestial host.

She laughs in the face of archdemon filth: the grimmrgandar, the taotie, and all their agents and subordinates of every sort. While her various counterparts may be powerful warriors in their own right, she most out of all them revels in battle and takes an inimitable satisfaction each time the tianhunren prevail over their ancient foes. She is not one for clever strategems, risky plans, or subtle deception. She prefers a more straightforward approach—victory seized through overwhelming force, often in the face of overwhelming odds.

When in corporeal form she fights with both immense strength as well as divine wisdom that was hers to wield even before the Ertianjie came into existence. She is almost completely impervious to harm; the scales which run up and down her form can shrug off the blows of seemingly any weapon her foes can bring to bear against her. Their luster remains undiminished no matter what ordeal she must endure in pursuit of her objectives. The sight of celestial radiance glinting off their surfaces is enough to restore hope to those with crushed spirits, to reignite the fires of determination within the hearts of those who have already succumbed to the cold grip of hollow despair.

She is a champion of those mortals who actively seek justice and righteousness. In bygone ages she would alight within the physical realm to commend those heroes who had given their lives and souls to such causes; she would even sometimes manifest to bring life back to those who had been slain in battle against evil or to stave off their certain defeat. Folklore and the annals of history alike tell of countless such stories—terrified militia-guards who nevertheless stood their ground defending helpless refugees against an unending tide of undead, companies of warriors volunteering as the forlorn hope to assault nigh-impregnable strongholds defended by demonic machines, misfit bands of adventurers drawn from the dregs of society nevertheless embarking upon suicide missions upon whose infinitesimally-unlikely success the fates of entire civilizations rested. All these heroes had made their peace with their impending death, but for the glorious light that heralded her intervention on their behalf.

She had no words of encouragement for those who fought wars for vainglory or conquest, and would rebuke even those who too eagerly resorted to violence in service of causes that would otherwise be considered just. Those who altogether averted war—not through craven cowardice or artifice but rather through humility, empathy, moral clarity, or clever negotiation—were particularly loved by her. Although she often manifested in the most spectacular of circumstances, she nevertheless enjoyed bestowing her approval on those who worked quietly and doggedly, unnoticed and unadmired, to advance goodness in ways great and small.

Her presence among the mortals became sparing long ago, and ceased altogether after the War of the Unbroken Few. None know why—whether the great celestial war has become so dire for the tianhunren that she cannot spare even a moment's respite, or perhaps whether she has somehow grown disgusted or disquieted by the First-Awoken as the galaxy falls into ever more turmoil. Some whisper among themselves that the next time she appears, if ever, it will be to bring judgment and suffering.