Noak Birger



1 year, 6 months ago


Noak has always been a more normal guy and he has a job at Malwart in the city Oresley. Or well, as normal as he *can* be anway. He's always been somewhat see through and that's not about the fact he's wears his heart on his sleeve, he's always had this ability to turn invisible and phase through walls. While he can do it at will it has happened at inconvenient times before or even under stress but he tries his best to keep it controlled. It's not that he tries to hide it, he's not a teenager anymore, he just tries to reduce it happening on its own.

Noak has always craved adventure. But living in the city he's never had the opportunity. The most adventure he's had was trespassing in construction zones or playing guitar on stage for a talent show.

With the way his life is going he needs change. But he doesn't want to lose everything so he keeps it how it is.

Has an adopted daughter named Tracy Birger (previously Vanuel) he adopted her after all of her family got killed by zombies

With the constant raids and infinite night with increased monsters Noak has grown weary of sitting in his house all day. This is no life for him or his daughter. And he also wants to set a good example for Tracy. Noak had been the only one to help fight in the recent raid.. which ended up giving him some clarity on his conflicting feelings. He's become more open and adventurous. Tracy has also finally become an adult and took on being a Cleric tho she's still afraid of the attacks

He quit his job at Malwart and is now an adventurer and courier

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