Luciano de Valenti



8 years, 6 months ago




Luciano  Student  Human


[Birthday // Age // Sign]
January 14 // Twenty three // Capricorn

[Gender // Sexualty]
Boy // Straight



is susceptible to jokes/tricks/lies

the biggest sap



tends to dress in a way that reflects his heartthob nature

wears the chord around his wrist for memory's sake



Young Luciano was carefree and lived in perpetual playtime. He spent his days racing paper boats down the creek and playing dodgeball in the schoolyard, and when summer came he'd defy the perimeters of his backyard fence and play with the neighboring children. It wasn't until Luciano was slightly older--maybe 11 or 12--that he realized his family was of high repute within his town. His mother and father both had contributed vastly to the town's beloved university, as well as funded (and hosted) community events that came to represent the town's unity. It was at this age that Luciano was told that his actions would reflect something much bigger than just his own character; he also represented the skills and handiwork of Mr. and Dr. De Valenti, and any wrong move could jeopardize their reputations. 
This is when Luciano began acting.
Playing the part of the esteemed son was fun at first. He attended any and all events his parents were invited to. He never faught publicly with his two sisters. He smiled that "say cheese" smile through the extent of middleschool education. From the outside, he looked very content. But soon Luciano found that a good reputation was simply not motivation enough for him. In the privacy of closed doors he faught with his younger sister and ignored his older one. His grades faultered as he prefered playing outside to doing math. And being invited to event upon event was tiring. In the interest of his parents he did all he could to preserve their name, but it simply wasn't enough for him. (more to be added)