
1 year, 5 months ago


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THIS IS A WIP<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

!This character was loosly based on Jotaro Kujo from part 3 of JJBA!

Saliith 'Cujoh' Cuss'a'Jorah
Height: 210 cm
Weight: 106.5 kg (15 kg for tail)
Day of Birth: July 14th (Cancer)
Age: 31
Gender: Trans Man
Eye color: Magenta
Sexuality: Greysexual demi-romantic, aesthetic attraction to men
Personality: Stoic, hot-headed, quiet, quick to act, determined, acts before thinking
Alignment: True Neutral
Likes: 'Alone time', eggs yum, sunbathing, bugs, polishing/sharpening his weapons(its a calming thing)
Dislikes: busy spaces, crowds, fruit and veg, elves, dark spaces
Species: Avian-Dragonborn (no specific species tbh, he comes from an isolated tribe of his people)
Skills: Predator vision, keen eyesight, great streangth + quicker mass gain, extremly fast runner, good reflexes
Career: Sellsword
Family: Ex-Tribe, son, Jojo
Favourite food & drink: bird eggs, honey mead
Favourite colours: green + pink
Greatest joy in life: simple calm moments of happines i.e: lazily laying in the sun with Jojo, those he cares about
Greatest fear: Abandonment, losing his family
Priorities: Protecting the egg, getting enough gold to start a life with his family, keeping his family safe
Life philosophy: End justifies the means
Soft spot: Jojo
Hobbies: weapon craft, massage, wood carving
Extremely skilled at: hand to hand combat, Getting Shit Done™️, moving heavy stuff, intimidation
Extremely unskilled at: thought-provoking puzzles, dexterity, sneaking, persuasion
Pecularities: has a tendency to caw if under extreme emotions (happiness, shock, anger etc), spends a long time on grooming his feathers and will groom those he loves too, after laying the egg became very protective of friends and family to the point of getting into pointless fights and screaming matches with random townsfolk or beggers for simply looking at them
Traits: Straightforward, impatient, stoic and silent, sometimes sarcastic, hot-heated, protective
Favourite type of animal: bug
Pets: none but he will pick up and examine and tald to any bug he finds for sometimes hours