


6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Crer
Age: Adult
Sexuality: Gay
Profession: Male model
Lucius: Constant flings/ Crush
priscilla: Friend

Crer is considered to be an absolutely beautiful licker and tends to draw eyes where ever he goes. He seems to relish in this and has taken up a profession as a male model to continue this kind of attention coming to him> Trough the modeling world he met anouther model licker by the name of Priscilla, Crer was not out at the time and took up a relationship with her, this lasted about half a year until Crer admitted to Priscilla that he was in fact gay and only loved her on a platonic level. Dispite the hurt in the beganing of the break up he and Priscilla remain great friends and feel closer because of this. Priscilla later introduced Crer to A florist licker she frequents, Lucius. Crer seems to be rather fond of Lucius but has trouble saying anything about it still as he tends to be rather grumpy and distant emtionally unless someone makes the first move. This doesnt seem to deter Lucius as while he hasnt confesed love like Crer hopes yet they do spend a great deal of time together, sexually or not.
Lucius' tendency to sleep around makes crer extremely jealous even if they aren't in a formal relationship at all, his jealousy doesn't help him come closer to confesing to Lucius though.