If these ever open again can u ping me 

Yes ofc! 

thank u!! 

could i get two? of matfei and kazumi? :D

 i can pay $10 through paypal!

Yes,  of course!  These usually take 2-3 days for me to make!  (maybe a bit more since I have testing today)  you can pay after im done :D

Would you like me to add animal ears to them?  I can 100% draw them without animal ears if that what youd like !

i'd prefer to have them without animal ears, thank u for asking though!! also i'm fine to pay beforehand if u would like!! :D

I'm sorry if I'm just missing it somewhere but what do you use to take payments? Are you able to take Cashapp? :o

Yup!  I take both paypal and cashapp! 

Ooh in that case do you think I could take 2 with these guys for $10 through Cashapp? https://toyhou.se/11068255.runea + https://toyhou.se/18858770.reyna

Yeah!  These usually take me 2-3 days and you can pay after im done! 

Quick question tho,  which outfit will I use for Reyna?  (It will only show the top bit but still asking :D)

Sounds good and oh yeah oops! This outfit would be great !

Hi! Just asking for a quick update on these? There's no rush, I'm just curious! :D

2 Replies