


1 year, 6 months ago


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Thoughts of Lightning

A self-described adventurer for hire of dubious nature. Ichigo has lived his life floating from place to place, odd job to odder job.

Ichigo isn't really tied down to anything, but when he was hired by Freya to help find her brother, his heart began to warm over the course of their journey.

Name Ichigo

Age ???

Gender Male

Birthday May 12th

Weapon Catalyst

Vision Cryo

Constellation Nitesco Callide

Nation Inazuma

Affiliation Adventurer's Guild

Occupation Adventurer

Special Dish Ginger Wakatakeni

Local Specialty Dendrobium

Ichigo is a little (a lot) shady. He prioritizes himself over everything, always trying to make sure he has a way out of any given situation. This attitude is mostly due to him having to fend for himself for most of his life. Although he can act quite charming, he's generally distrusting of people. He judges his relationships on the basis of how much benefit he can get out of them. However, since partnering with Freya, he's found himself warming up to her quite a bit.

Ichigo has no memories of his parents. His earliest memories involve foraging for food with other street orphans, and doing odd jobs for various adults for spare mora.

He very quickly turned to a life of crime to make ends meet. Never anything too serious, but he would swipe a pouch of mora here, steal some dango from street vendors there. It was enough to get his name and face well known amongst the Tenryou Commission. He was frequently in and out of jail, usually escaping before his sentence was up. Truth be told, his crimes were so petty he was very low priority for the commission members, so he was used to being able to weasel his way out of things. Real trouble came to find Ichigo when the Vision Hunt Decree was issued. All of a sudden, he found himself being seriously hunted. During the time of the decree, he lived in hiding, too scared to even go out to steal food. The Decree made him decide for sure that he wanted to leave Inazuma, so once the storm had passed and vision holders were no longer being hunted, he made his way to the port to find a way out.

And it was at the port that he met Freya! He was looking for a way out, she was looking for a friend, their interests aligned and led to their partnership. Now, Ichigo is enjoying his life for once traveling the world with her, finding himself with a purpose for the first time.

Elemental Skill Sparkling Tsurara

Ichigo summons an icicle structure to the field, causing an explosion of cryo power as it appears. The structure will last for 10s, during which it will continuously emit AOE cryo damage to nearby enemies.

Elemental Burst Frozen Destruction

Unleashes a devastating cryo attack to a single target. Five sharp icicles will strike the target consecutively, doing more damage after each strike. If Sparkling Tsurara is active at the time of Frozen Destruction's activation, the attack will strike with two more icicles.

Utility Passive Great Escape

Decreases sprinting Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.


"Freya, my dear traveling companion. I'm used to being by myself, but having a partner is surprisingly nice as well. I wish she would pay more attention to herself than others."





I'll do any job

for the right price.