


1 year, 6 months ago



Name unknown
Called cap
Age 30s
Gender male
Race human
Role wastelander
Alignment unknown
Theme Here

The hero to save America

Captain America was a soldier that risked his life for the citizens of the United States of America in the great World War II. He was a bold, courageous and intelligent individual..

And he is certainly not this man. 

To be quite honest, Cap hasn't actually done anything to save America, but is absolutely and positively convinced that he is the real, authentic Captain America. After taking a severe hit to the head from a flying vacuum (which had spurred from the effects of an atomic bomb) and waking up in Vault 76, he seems to have lost all recognition of who he was before and has taken on some wacky, convoluted and strange personification of the great hero. Ever since he was released from the vault, several years ago, Cap has adorned a gas mask that is always strapped onto his head. He eats with it on, he drinks with it on, and yes, he sleeps with it on. 

A bit of an outsider, Cap can be quirky and strange to others- but in the wastelands, does it really ever matter? He loves to shoot old cans, avoid robots and drink nuka cola on hot, summery days. He isn't affiliated with any guild, nor any group, and he prefers the lone life, if he's not accompanied by his best pal. As an avid collector, Cap loves to bring items he finds to his home, which is a tattered, banged up trailer right next to his favorite gas station, Red Rocket. 


  • nuka cola quantum 
  • collecting nukashine
  • gross, fleshy things to smack upside the head
  • his gun (it's got hearts on it, absolutely adorable) 


  • swamps & mushy lands
  • scorch beasts (aka giant bats)
  • bees & most insects
  • most cryptids (they're too strong)


Bongo Bongo Bongo-

There's not much known about who Cap was before he woke up that evening convinced he was Captain America. He doesn't remember who he was, nor does he ever think he's anyone but America's Sweetheart. Out in the Wastelands, nobody really asks questions about who he is and just go along with the flow, even if they don't actually believe he's the real Captain America. They give him jobs, things to do, and treat him just like they do everyone. Which.. isn't the best, but after nuclear fallout, who really has time for niceness, right? 

Cap is an "official" cryptid hunter, a career he both loves and hates. He got into it originally hunting the famous Mothman and ridding townspeople of the cult members that worshipped him. Eventually, he started getting hired to find other cryptids and bring an end to them as well, until finally; it was a title he took on. Accompanied by his friend Tony, Cap tours across the entirety of West Virginia searching for fabled beasts troubling the remaining civilians surviving post apocalypse. His least favorite are aliens! 


this weekend song is SO DAMN GOOD but lord i cannot focus help me



HTML by lowkeywicked