


9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




25th of August

Star Sign



Vampiric Vagabond


Vampire Re-Homing Scheme Ambassador




Heightened RP British








Grey Asexual



World of Origin

Lamia 25


'Lestat came to me with a bite in his bark and a plan for change. He's paved the way for a new Omnia.'
~ Tenebris.

Lestat comes across as cold and intimidating, and that first impression often carries on throughout getting to know him. He's not quick to trust people and slowly warms up to others if he think they'd be a worthy contact. He rarely thinks of others as people, rather as resources he has to be nice to. He is very polite and is a stickler for the rules. Often he'll pull people up on being rude or inappropriate and ensures he's always presentable and chooses his words deliberately. He currently resides in the Underworld as an ambassador for vampires across dimensions. As a truly immortal vampire he considers the lives of 'mortal' vampires to be precious, and that upon the extinction of their universe should be bought to the Underworld as permanent residents, as he knows they won't be accepted in any other universes. Sometimes a particularly talented or specialised vampire will work in another universe, but still live in the Underworld. Despite being very upfront and blunt, Lestat has an intense care for his kind. No one's really sure why.

Part of being a vampire means Lestat has to feed as usual, and can transform into a bat on command. He often does this for travelling and transforms back to talk to people. He refuses to speak to people in bat form as he considers it rude. Because of his status he often has a plentiful supply of people willing to let him feed off them, or he can visit Tenshi and it'll find someone for him to drink. Often volunteers enjoy it a bit too much, so he makes sure to take a bit too much blood so they pass out. This makes them leave him alone and ensures they don't come back, as the recovery is similar to a severe hangover. If he doesn't feed the initial symptoms are dizziness and being more pale than usual, and ends up as constant passing out and eventual loss of form. When he loses his form his Core can recover enough energy to let him feed once he reforms, but failure to do this means the cycle begins again. He often leaves a message with Aria or Hye to help him if this happens, but it's rare with so many eager ex-mortals.

He enjoys working with vampires in mortal universes and often visits them, gaining him the title of Vagabond. He rarely stays in one place for long and finds it easy to cover his tracks. He's known for being superstitious and is afraid Tensei's bad luck will rub off on him. Valkyrie insists this won't happen, but wont tell Lestat to his face. As a mortal he dated a werewolf girl and quite enjoyed her company, but has since lost her in the plight of the afterlife. He doesn't admit he misses her somewhat, but has donated most of his memories of her to the Anima.