Ilana Shariarti



1 year, 5 months ago



s ' v i v o n


Ilana Shariarti












Persian Jew












"Take me anywhere, anywhere I will be loved."

Amiable Insecure Selfish Independent Realistic Frugal

Intuitive Resourceful Argumentative Impulsive Hardheaded Lonely

Skeptical Reverent Blunt Charitable Fiery Resentful

A kind, independent young woman, Ilana comes across as a model grandchild. She spends quite a bit of her time ensuring the comfort and welfare of others, inserting herself briefly in their lives in a desperate bid to give her own a bit more meaning. She doesn't help others for the sake of making their day easier; Ilana helps them to stave off her own loneliness. She is desperate to make a mark on the world and prove that she was here, because she is afraid of disappearing from the world without a trace. Despite her motives, Ilana delights in helping people, if only because it makes her forget her own solitude for a while.

Ilana is not one to take things lying down. When faced with a problem, she prefers to face it head-on, gathering as much information as she can and making snap decisions based on her own observations and gut instincts. She has a habit of executing impulsive plans with little preparation beforehand; if Ilana overthinks it, she won't go through with it, so better to make the leap and worry about landing on the way down. Ilana's impulsive nature is balanced by her strong intuition and resourceful eye, meaning her heat-of-the-moment decisions work in her favor most of the time, but that isn't always the case.

Having grown up impoverished, Ilana is used to using and reusing whatever she can get her hands on, whether it's tearing up a shirt to patch a pair of pants or saving fruit crates to use as storage or raw materials for fixing up a broken chunk of floor. She is quite resourceful and reluctant to throw away anything that might be handy, and extremely careful with her finances. She can often be found at the marketplace, trying to haggle the price of fruit. If you can do it yourself, don't ask anyone else to do it for you.

When it comes to the gods, Ilana considers herself to be hugely reverent, though it's difficult to tell considering her attitude towards the divine. In Ilana's opinion, worship is a two-way street; while a god may inherently be deserving of worship, that does not necessarily mean they are equally worthy of praise. She praises the gods for her good fortune and curses them for her bad luck, and most of her prayers end up being more like one-sided conversations. Despite her irreverent attitude, Ilana is deeply devoted to the divine; she knows they can do better, and thus she demands they do so.


  • Ilana is about 5'3'', or 160 cm. She usually wears her hair long, though she does tie a bit of it back to keep it out of her face.
  • She lost nearly all of her clothes on the way to Sanctuary. All that's left is her main outfit, jacket, and headscarf, all of which she sewed herself.
  • She prefers modest, airy clothes that don't show off too much skin and are easy to move in, and likes to accessorize with golden jewelry.
  • She did all the embroidery on her tunic herself.



Ilana's early life is nothing special. Born and raised in Afghanistan, she was the only child of an impoverished family, and while her parents loved her very much, they were constantly working to put food on the table. Both her parents frequently changed jobs to keep up in Afghanistan's tumultuous economy, often taking up work as day laborers and leaving Ilana in the care of a neighbor during the day. Seeing her parents work themselves to the bone as she grew, Ilana resolved to make so much money her parents could stop working so they could all spend more time together as a family.

Sometime in her teenage years, Ilana learned of Otor, the god of order and control. Hoping for more control over her own life, she began to pray to Order's Command daily, constructing a miniature altar of her own when she could not find any temples devoted to the god nearby. She continued to add to this altar over the years, and it grew to be her most precious possession. Her daily prayers eventually came out to be more like a casual conversation; while one-sided, they often gave Ilana a chance to gather her thoughts of the day and prepare accordingly for the next. When her day went well, she praised Otor; when it went poorly, she argued at her altar until she had vented her frustrations.

It didn't matter to her if she was the only worshipper of Otor she knew. As long as Otor was listening, that was all she needed. But it's hard to tell if Order's Command is listening when the only indication is your day's gone as planned.


Ilana studied and worked relentlessly throughout her teenage years to save up enough money and gather enough scholarships to attend college so she could earn a degree in chemical engineering. She was eventually successful, attending the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in Chennai around fall 2044. A scholarship student through-and-through, Ilana found herself missing out on several aspects of campus life that required more than a little spending money and often turned down her friends' invitations to go out in favor of studying more. Despite choosing chemical engineering as a degree, Ilana struggled to make sense of the subject.

Ilana's advisor eventually suggested she take fewer classes per semester in order to relieve her academic burden, and she reluctantly agreed. She was taking longer than she wanted to get her degree, but as long as she got it in the end that was all that mattered. She continued praying to Otor throughout the semesters; even if she couldn't tell if she was receiving a blessing or not, it gave her peace of mind, and she would celebrate every passing mark with a moderately more lavish offering than usual. Her altar had grown in its complexity and scope, and she now kept it in a small case for ease of transport.

Eventually, the end of the academic road was in sight. In the fall of 2048, Ilana realized she was due to graduate in the spring of next year. She had nearly made it, and prayed to Otor for a safe trip to the finish line.

Perhaps that should have been the first hint that God had not been listening.


Around the winter of 2049, shortly before final exams, Ilana received a letter from one of her parent's neighbors containing devastating news. Her parents had both collapsed of overwork, and a doctor's visit had uncovered numerous health problems and illnesses that would spell their end. Realizing her parents were dying, Ilana withdrew from the semester at the last second, putting her education on hold and traveling home to take care of them in their final months.

What followed was a long, painfully drawn-out eight months. Ilana could do nothing but do her best to keep her parents comfortable as they gradually wasted away, desiccating before her eyes into shriveled shells of their former selves. Desperate, Ilana's devotion to Otor increased to a fervor, begging for her parents to pass peacefully and without further incident. Order's Command, I implore you. Please don't let them suffer any more than this. Let them pass on to the next life in tranquil rest.

Once more, it seemed God did not heed her. In August of 2049, Ilana's parents finally passed within hours of each other after clinging to threads of life for several months. Ilana mourned their passing, but she was not given the luxury of doing so for long. In the years since she had left, her parents had racked up quite a debt, and in their absence it fell to her to pay for it. When she had finally shooed all the creditors away and finished paying for her parents' funerals, Ilana was left with almost nothing for herself. With no other option, she was forced to drop out of college.

Unfortunately, Ilana had yet to realize how bad her situation had gotten. She already had a reputation around her town as worshipping a god no one else had seemed to have heard of; on top of the revelation that her parents had owed so much money and left it to their only daughter to pay off, it was enough to leave her reputation in tatters and an outcast in her own community.

Unable to see a way to leave, Ilana decided to make the best of a bad situation and picked up a job as a day laborer at a local pomegranate farm, just as her parents had when she was a child. The work was hard and the pay was low, but it was all she could do to tread water and avoid drowning. Despite her bad circumstances and daily exhaustion from working on the farm, she still found time each day to pray to Otor, but her prayers were far more embittered and she often cut them short.


Ten months after her parents' passing, Ilana awoke one day to a marking on her forehead. Three hours and an earth-shattering phone call later, she began preparations to travel to Sanctuary, home of the Blessed. The idea of being a Blessed did not excite her because of the idea of a new purpose in life; Ilana decided to go because she was tired of feeling so alone. Perhaps in Sanctuary she would find fellow worshippers of Otor. At the very least, there would be a group of people she had at least one thing in common with. A captive audience, a community she was unambiguously a part of. It seemed Otor had finally answered her calls.

Ilana worked quickly to raise funds for her travels, selling off just about everything she owned, including her family home. Her portal site was located in southern India, so she bought a train ticket to cross the border and packed up what was left of her belongings—a few changes of clothes, a photo of her parents, a book or two for the trip, and of course her altar to Order's Command. Tucking everything into a shoulder bag, Ilana set off for the border, following a map she had drawn to help her reach her destination.

Shortly after crossing the border, Ilana ran into trouble. In the middle of switching trains to head for the coast, she encountered a group of mercenaries wielding Empire weapons. The Empire had, naturally, caught wind of the Blessing and was taking advantage of the infant avatars of the divine to take them out before they were real trouble. Terrified, Ilana ran for it—straight into a troop of Eastern Alliance soldiers, who intervened and slaughtered the mercenaries entirely. Rattled by her narrow escape, Ilana agreed to accompany the soldiers; the captain explained they had been commanded by Sanctuary to escort her to the portal site. At the time, Ilana was far too shaken to question this.

However, as she calmed down and they approached a military base, Ilana began to question their claims. How did they know the portal site, which she had the only map to? Why had they not met her at the border? And rather than going to the portal site, why were they heading to a military base? It was then she realized that the Eastern soldiers were not interested in bringing her to Sanctuary; rather, they had other, more nefarious plans. Whether they intended to lock her up as a living weapon or had some other use, she didn't know, but she fought back and escaped, blending into a nearby marketplace. Unfortunately, Ilana dropped the map she had made, and by the time she reached the portal site herself, the soldiers were already crawling about, waiting in ambush.

Desperate to reach her destination safely, Ilana prayed to Otor one final time before tucking the altar into her bag and making her way up the path. Halfway up, she tripped an alarm and the soldiers gave chase. She managed to reach the portal site seconds before the soldiers did, running into Sanctuary-dispatched guards who agreed to hold the soldiers off while passed through. Ilana entered the portal site, on the edge of the cliffs, and did not see the portal at first.

Instead, she saw the Eastern Alliance captain who had tried to capture her. The two fought; Ilana wielded a staff she had picked up in the marketplace, but the captain destroyed it easily. Their confrontation ended with Ilana dangling over the cliffside as the captain held her by the strap of her bag.

"Choose," he said, "to live, or to fall."

She cut the strap and fell.

With the portal located directly below her, Ilana quite literally fell into Sanctuary in what she would later call a leap of faith. Her choice had cost her everything else she'd owned, including her precious altar, but it was fine. She could always just... make a new one.

If God didn't like it, maybe they weren't worth praying to.




Happy to argue, always needs to have the last say. She doesn't always win, but she does make it heated.


Having grown up poor, Ilana learned a thing or six about weaving, sewing, and patching up cloth. She made and embroidered her own clothes, and she's quite handy with a needle, whether it's to mend a torn shirt or stitch up a ragged wound.


With 90% of a degree, Ilana has enough knowledge of chemistry to bullshit her way through a job interview. She's resourceful enough to find practical uses for it as well, whether it's causing a brief explosion, a loud sound, or melting someone's face off with piranha solution.



Produces warmth at the very end of her limbs.


Converges sunlight into a single point.


An effect of being acknowledged by the Ethereal Domain. Intuitively detects the time of day, season of the year, or phase of the moon. Basically every astrology bitch's dream.


Enhances natural rays of sunlight, directing them into a burning point.



Picked up at the training grounds. A simple wooden quarterstaff with a slightly heavier head and an iron tip. Used mainly as a magical focus.


A gift from Fraulein, though she doesn't remember where it came from.


A basic sewing kit purchased in town to replace the one she lost.


An outfit gifted to her by Amaryllis after she ruined her only set of clothes by diving into a lake to save a life. She sorely wishes she had left him down there.


Friendship Romantic Familial Respect Hatred

Ilana finds Kou to be a levelheaded person, with good teaching abilities and a reasonable attitude. She finds him to be a relaxing presence, and his familiarity with Sanctuary and its many eccentricities has led her to see him as a reliable source of information. It'd be nice if he thought more of himself, though.

One of the first friendly faces Ilana stumbled across, Lynne's excitement is infectious. She likes their enthusiasm and adores their fashion sense, though she could never imagine pulling off a style like that herself.

Ilana was completely ready to hate Sven and his irreverent, devil-may-care attitude. To her surprise, however, Sven is both more sympathetic and more tolerable than she thought. His flippant treatment of the divine mirrors her own reverent irreverence, and she finds him surprisingly easy to talk to. She's almost annoyed that she likes him at all.

A big, sweet guy that's good to relax with. Ilana's not very sure why or how he's friends with the likes of people like Sven and Tristan, but the fact that they're friends with someone like Niran softens her opinion towards them greatly. She likes his cooking and thinks of him as a walking personification of sunshine.

Perdita is a reliable presence who seems to know more about the goings-on of the political world than Ilana, so when she's around Ilana tends to defer to her. She's impressed by Perdita's swordplay but thinks that three entire swords is just a bit excessive. That's more swords than hands.

Adores her fashion sense and collected, calm nature. That Minh is able to stay perfectly calm even in chaotic situations is incredible to Ilana, and she respects her quite a bit for being able to keep her cool. Her presence is a little intimidating, as Minh comes off as being hard to approach, but that hasn't stopped Ilana from approaching anyone else.

A polite lady that she remembers from the wine lake incident. She's not very familiar with Lavika, but anyone willing to shove a lech into a lake is fine by her.

Likes his snake. Questions his taste in men (Syrah).

Somehow, someone even more sheltered than Ilana. Ophelia's emotional immaturity astounds her, and while she's patient enough to guide Ophelia in the right direction, Ilana isn't interested in holding her hand through every encounter and is hoping that eventually Ophelia will realize she needs to make decisions on her own. Her occasional gutsiness is always a welcome surprise, though. Ophelia was also the first person to ask Ilana outright if they could be friends, something that thrilled Ilana to her core.

A surprisingly reliable airhead. Being in the same room as Hestia puts Ilana at ease, if only because it's because Tia keeps doing the right thing by accident. Her relaxed attitude and particular dialect is always welcome, if only because anything Tia gets involved in is sure to be an interesting time.

Ilana thinks Tristan is a soft man wrapped in an extremely hard-to-crack shell. His lifestyle being so different from hers piques her interest and makes her curious to learn more about him. He's a little hard to talk to, both because he's awkward and because she's not sure which topics are landmines that she should be avoiding. However, she feels like Tristan is opening up to her a tiny bit, and it's possible he's the first person at Sanctuary she can actually call a friend.

Ilana likes Seph well enough, but she's put her foot down when it comes to sharing food with them, as she doesn't like how Seph treats her meals. She likes their chaotic energy and how they can lift a room just by walking in, and she really likes their fashion sense, though she has no idea if she'd ever be able to pull it off herself.



  • pomegranates
  • dancing
  • arctic foxes
  • fighting god


  • pork
  • budgeting
  • wasting like, anything
  • lakes.


  • She likes to dance and study dance styles as a hobby. Her favorite style is ballet, which she has trouble emulating. Her favorite dances to practice are usually from kpop videos.
  • She prefers goat's milk over cow milk.
  • She's gotten drunk maybe once during college and regretted it. Ilana's a thorough lightweight.
  • She (mostly) eats kosher; in other words, she abstains from shellfish and pork, but she might get a little weak for a good cheeseburger as long as she's not at home.
  • She speaks Farsi (though she refers to it as Dari), Pashto, English, and conversational Hebrew. She can read Hebrew fine, but she can't translate it.
  • Ilana believes that the gods all stem from the same source; that is, they were all once one god, but the complexity of human prayer resulted in the god splitting into many fragments of itself to respond to all prayers equally. Fundamentally she has the same standard beliefs as everyone else, but her understanding of their origin is different.
  • Failure doesn't deter her much. She simply clicks her tongue and starts working out what went wrong so she won't fail a second time.
  • Her favorite animal is an arctic fox. Why is it so white and fluffy. She wants to pet one so bad.
  • She made three friends in college: Shanta, Shanta's friend Tara, and Tara's boyfriend Hari. After dropping out, she tried to keep in touch, but seeing their Snapchat stories of them enjoying themselves without her combined with the gradual lack of response to her text messages left her feeling sour and resentful, and she abandoned most of the social medias she made in her college years as she'd only made them for the sake of being included in her social circle.


Charlie Allen
Fall Out Boy
The Arcadian Wild
Fever Dolls
The Arcadian Wild

code by icecreampizzeria