01 | Edinburgh



6 years, 3 months ago



Name Edinburgh
Age 14 years (but acts 25)
Gender Male
Height 4"2'
RaceAnthropomorphic Bear
Role Hitman | Weapons enthusiast
Created Created 020915


  • Bombs
  • Food
  • Dominance
  • Weapons
  • Victory
  • Tree
  • Alcohol
  • Alcohol
  • Alcohol


  • Nightmares
  • Authority
  • Doctors
  • Baths
  • Cleaning up in general
  • Pompous ass hats
  • Threats
  • TV
  • beings called "eddy"
  • Being shorter than Tree


  • Has a mean gambling addiction
  • Likes to ride his motorcycle as fast as possible
  • prone to existential crisis
  • Works out when he's bored
  • Misplaces bombs frequently
  • Rarely removes his mask in public
  • usually angry about something

Aggressive . Headstrong . Reckless

7681809_VKIiiAlNlbqPqqO.gifEdin is obsessed with being on top and does whatever he can, however reckless, to be victorious. He has  a sharp tongue and it quick to anger. Edin is a functioning alcoholic.  He is messy in most aspects of his life but is meticulously tidy with  his weaponry.

Edin's life has been a series of tragedies. Shortly  after he was born, he was abandoned. In a world torn apart by nuclear  fallout, Edin, like most other animals was effected greatly by exposure  to chemical waste. Edin was one of the lucky ones. His mutations granted  him cognitive thought and the ability to live among the humans, however  it also made it difficult for him to breathe. He nearly lost his life  as a cub but was saved  by a family of humans. He still copes with his  disability but his pride leads him to hide his respirators beneath a  tough looking gas mask. After losing his adoptive family Edin was thrust  into a tough life of crime and hard knocks. He quickly became a  scavenger and without a home to return to was forced to travel the land  looking for a place to call home.

Edinburgh was twelve when he  arrived in a scavenger settlement. This city was torn apart by the war and the people there are trying to make use of what little is left. The  town is crawling with criminals, thieves, and killers, just like Edin.  He quickly found his place in the settlement working as a hunter and hit man for a wily bartender at the local cafe. Edin quickly became close to a young girl who frequented the bar. She was a cyber-enhanced human  named Tree.

Tree and Edin quickly became inseparable and Tree took him  in to live in her workshop. Tree is extremely intelligent and gifted in cybertechnics. She spends most of her time tinkering with robotics and  weaponry or cleaning up Edin's messes. Tree supplies Edin with most of  his unique weaponry as well as helps him on his hunts. Despite being the  same age Edin considers himself an authority figure for Tree and does  his best to protect her. Tree is energetic and innocent and Edin admires  that about her. He enjoys his time with her.

1918326?1520562721Tree Roomate

Tree is Edin's roomate who he also works with. She's younger than him and he often treats her like a younger sister. He is rough with her, and actively curses around her and the two fight about silly things. Edin likes to take advantage of 'teachable moments' with tree, and spars with her regularly. Tree sees the best and worst of Edin.
5-nvnYDp_400x400.jpgLucious Employer

Lucious is a fellow mutated animal, so Edin feels comfortable around him for the most part. Lucious owns a bar near where Edin lives and employs him and Tree to scavenge for him. He's often the middle man for their jobs. Lucious cares for the two and watches over them. Though he never lets them have a free meal.
dPZLsoD.pngAmii Sister (deceased)

Amii saved Edin's life when he was an infant and raised him along with her family. She was harsh with him and often teased him and played rough but the two were inseperable and cared deeply for eachother. In Edin's youth he and Amii would travel together often being pursued by law makers. Amii was lost during one of these missions and Edin has never been able to return home.
nXYKs4T.pngRoswell  Estranged Son

Roswell is the result of an old flame of Edin's. During his travels between his time with Amii and Tree, Edin had a short-lived romance with a black cat called Salem. Salem and Edin are still in touch but are staying at arms reach. He knows of Roswell and has met him on ocassion but otherwise keeps his distance. Edin doesnt know how to act around him. Roswell looks up to his dad.